Reader’s Digest Canada – September 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
and emotional characteristics, includ-
ing things like being charming, a
good speaker and alluring—while
also ruthless and lacking in empathy.
And the second is a chronic anti-social
lifestyle: breaking rules and being
irresponsible. The latter could lead to
cruelty to people and animals, van-
dalism and violence. Some people are
low in some areas and high in others;
so, for example, not all psychopaths
are violent.

Is it possible, then, to have a relatively
healthy relationship with someone
who demonstrates psychopathy?
It is possible, though issues will always
rear their heads because psychopathy
is ultimately a relational disorder. The
person may not be able to reciprocate
emotionally, and they’re probably not
going to be able to dispense empathy
if you’re having a bad day or if there
is a death in the family. If someone is

psychopathic they are more likely to be
domestically abusive, but that doesn’t
mean that all are. They may also cheat
or run up credit card bills. Worst-case
scenario, they could be living a double
life. That’s very unlikely though. We
tend to see that more on TV.

Does the average psychopath get a
bad rap based on prominent examples
like Paul Bernardo or Ted Bundy?
I think that could be the case. In my
academic and clinical work, I actually
don’t use the term psychopath. I say
“person with psychopathy.” Even if they
are different, these people don’t want
a terrible life. I’m not saying go out and
hug the closest psychopath, but it’s
important to recognize that these are
human beings deserving of dignity.

Mark E. Olver is a registered doctoral
psychologist and professor at the Uni-
versity of Saskatchewan.

Birds of a feather
According to a recent
study published in the
Journal of Personality,
individuals with psycho-
pathic tendencies are
more likely to be
attracted to other individ-
uals with the same ten-
dencies. Researchers
speculate this could

explain why psychopathy
persists throughout time.

Gender divide
Psychopaths make up
one per cent of the popu-
lation, but approximately
20 per cent of the male
prison population. There
is less research on women
with psychopathy, but
some studies indicate
they may be more

inclined to emotional
manipulation than crime.

American psychos
A group of researchers
asked various biogra-
phers of U.S. presidents
to complete the Psycho-
pathy Checklist on behalf
of their famous subjects.
JFK, and Teddy and Frank-
lin Roosevelt came back
with the highest scores.

reader’s digest

104 september 2019

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