Reader’s Digest Canada – September 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



THE PATIENT: Sharon*, a 62-year-old
human-resources assistant
THE SYMPTOMS: A red, swollen arm
THE DOCTOR: Dr. Dima Nimri, internal-
medicine resident at Sanford USD Med-
ical Center in Sioux Falls, S.D.


HARON LIVED WITH her husband
in a quiet South Dakota town,
where she worked full-time at a
shipping company. For a few years,
she’d noticed mild aches and pains in
her shoulders and fingers, but she
assumed those came part and parcel
with turning 60. She never bothered
with annual checkups.

But circumstances changed in early
November 2018. Her right forearm and
elbow became sore, red and swollen.
Every day, it was more noticeable and
more tender. After four days, she went
to the emergency department at her
local hospital.
Sharon was diagnosed with cellu-
litis, a common skin infection, and
given antibiotics. Since her blood
counts were unusual, she was admit-
ted for the treatment. But over the next
three days, the arm swelling increased,
the redness spread, a strange, dark blis-
ter appeared in the centre and Sharon
developed a fever. Her doctors realized
they were dealing with something far
*BIOGRAPHICAL DETAILS HAVE BEEN CHANGED. more complex; she was transferred by

BY Lisa Bendall
illustration by victor wong

reader’s digest

24 september 2019


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