Reader’s Digest Canada – September 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
we need to be connected.” Gregorio
contributes his time to several health
agencies, advocating for greater aware-
ness of dementia. He also volunteers
with Tourism Vancouver, helping vis-
itors get more out of the city’s attrac-
tions. “It requires a bit of research, so
it allows my mind to be active,” he says.
“And it’s social.”

Up your puzzle game.
Many online “brain games” are mar-
keted as tools for sharpening memory.
But 15 minutes a day on a puzzle app
might not be doing that much to stave
off dementia. “If you do the same game
over and over, it becomes habitual and
eventually you’re not learning anything
anymore,” Sivananthan points out. To
engage your brain, keep it fresh. If you
normally do Sudoku, try crosswords,
or learn the rules of a brand-new board
game with your family.

Meet with groups.
Increase your social time by participat-
ing in community activities such as local

clubs, choirs or special events. There
are also support groups for people with
dementia or mild cognitive impairment.
In these settings, you’ll have opportun-
ities to interact with new people,
learn new things and lift your spirits.
“It’s helping with that brain resilience,”
says Sivananthan.

GREGORIO REMAINS committed to the
lifestyle changes he’s convinced have
made a positive difference over the past
nine years. “They’re not miracle cures,”
he says. “But they’re allowing me to
prevent the progression of my illness.”
In the meantime, when he’s not vol-
unteering or exercising, he also enjoys
reading—although he admits his taste
in books has changed somewhat. “I
used to read World War II novels, but
my concentration is no longer there,”
he says. “Now I read cartoons, like The
Far Side and Herman.” He adds with a
laugh that these days he holds on to
his humour books after he’s finished
with them. “I forget what I’ve read after
a month, so they’re always fresh!”

Comfort Food
Me, whispering: Hello, my precious.
Boyfriend: Who are you talking to?
Me: My pierogi.

I bought quick oats and two days later my roommate showed up with
instant oats. I will not be humiliated. I must find an even sooner oat.

reader’s digest

36 september 2019

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