Reader’s Digest Canada – September 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
which had smooth treads, were ill-
suited for the climb. Yoda ran ahead,
while Jean struggled to maintain her
balance. She slipped, dropped the urn
and watched it roll over the edge of the
hill and tumble into a gully. Jean crept
her way to the slope’s side. She spotted
the urn, barely visible in the under-
brush. She hated abandoning it, but
the steep hillside was too dangerous to
navigate. She eventually made it to the
top of the crest, where she saw nothing
but trees and more hills. She’d been
gone from home for a few hours, and
it was getting dark.

Jean reached for her phone to call
her brother. No service. Thirsty, she
needed water. She randomly picked
a route, pushing her way through
underbrush and branches that cut and
pricked her, until she came upon a
small creek. She and Yoda drank deeply.
As darkness fell, Jean was struck by an
awful realization: she would be spend-
ing the night in the woods.
She’d heard stories about people
who had died in the park, including
one who had been mauled by a bear.

Just stay calm, she thought, forcing her-
self to focus on the task at hand.
First things first—she needed a place
to sleep. She spotted a downed tree,
about two metres in diameter, that had
fallen on a big rock next to the creek.
The space beneath was large enough
to shelter her for the night. She crawled
under the log and lay there. Yoda snug-
gled close, warming her as the temper-
ature dipped into single digits.
An experienced camper, Jean wasn’t
frightened by the forest’s strange noises
or creepy-crawlies. But her predica-
ment did keep her awake. To distract
herself, she thought about the dinner
she’d planned but wouldn’t get to eat:
noodle soup with pork and vegetables,
and fresh cherries for dessert.
And she thought of Jack. Jean recalled
the first time she’d laid eyes on him.
Armed with her MBA, she had applied
for a job at a San Francisco bank where
Jack was vice-president. After she was
hired as an assistant vice-president,
Jack took her to lunch to congratulate
her. Shortly thereafter, they began to
date. Thinking about Jack calmed Jean,
and she decided that if she could make
it until daylight, she’d find her way out.

AT DAWN, JEAN left the shelter, forging
her own trail through underbrush with
Yoda trying to keep up. At home, Yoda
had the run of nearly five acres, where
he chased deer and explored. But this
adventure was different. The bushes
were high in many places, and he had


reader’s digest

42 september 2019

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