Reader’s Digest Canada – September 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Most people have to experiment before
they hit upon a mix that brings them
adequate relief. One tool you could
add to your arsenal is peppermint oil,
a natural antispasmodic that has out-
performed placebos in several studies.
“It doesn’t work for everyone, but it’s
absolutely worth a try,” says Dr. James
Gray, a Vancouver-based gastroenter-
ologist. He suggests starting by taking
a 100-milligram capsule three times
each day and increasing the dosage
from there if you’re not getting an
effect. “And you’ve got to use them
regularly,” he says. “You can’t just save
them until you’re in the middle of a
cramping spell.”
The downside: peppermint oil may
give you heartburn. Try looking for
enteric-coated capsules, which are less
likely to cause this side effect.

This substance is made from oats that
have been ground finely and dispersed
into a medium, such as water or oil.
This allows certain compounds to coat
and emolliate the skin and reduce the
itchiness that eczema sufferers know
all too well. You can buy creams and
lotions that contain colloidal oatmeal;
you’re likely to tolerate those with the
Eczema Society of Canada’s seal of
acceptance, as they are free of the ingre-
dients known to be irritating to more
sensitive skin.
You can also make colloidal oatmeal
at home by putting oats through a food
processor until they become a flour-like
powder. Add them to a warm bath that’s
comfortable but not scalding, and don’t
stay in it for more than 15 minutes


Butter for a Burn
The idea that burns
should be sealed off
with oil, grease or but-
ter can be traced back
to the 19th century.
But doing this could
actually make matters
worse by trapping heat
in the skin for longer.

Ear Candling
The theory is that
lighting a hollow can-
dle and placing the
unlit end into your ear
will suction out excess
earwax. In reality, you
are running the risk of
a burn or even a punc-
tured eardrum.

Colloidal silver
The human body
requires certain trace

minerals to function
properly. However, sil-
ver isn’t one of them.
Although ingesting it is
a traditional remedy
for infections, there’s
no evidence it can do
anything useful for
your health. What
could happen: too
much of it can cause
widespread, perma-
nent, grey-blue skin
discoloration. 85
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