Radio Ink Magazine – August 12, 2019

(Tuis.) #1


Wilson: I’m always studying it. It is not
something that scares me, but something
that is an opportunity, in my view. I have
had the point of view that the mobile
device would control the dashboard for
some time. We hedged our bets by meet-
ing with many auto manufacturers and
product manufacturers over the years.
I have always believed that the con-
sumer wins, at the end of the day. Asking
them to move from one device to another,
I did not see that necessarily happening.
Thankfully that has transpired, where
Android Auto and Apple Carplay are now
in every major manufacturer, and every
one of our stations has a standalone
mobile app. You can listen to the station
and get all the content. They are all com-
patible with Apple and Android for the
car. When a consumer gets in the car and
plugs in the phone, all those compatible
apps show up on the dashboard.
I think it is a great actual opportunity
for us, and I have the same view for
smart speakers. All of our stations are
streaming via smart speakers, so now
radio is back as the centerpiece in the
home, where it hadn’t been for decades.
When people get into their car they
want to be connected to their commu-
nity, and as a result we have seen great
usage of our apps in the car. We feel we
are well positioned for the dashboard
in the car today and for the future. That
said, I am always monitoring it.

Radio Ink: What do you want people who
are reading the magazine to know about
Townsquare Media?
Wilson: First, we love radio. Radio is our
DNA and foundation. It is the starting
point of Townsquare. Second, our goal is
to be the premier local advertising and
marketing solutions company in each and
every one of our markets.
I believe we are already the premier
local advertising and marketing solutions
company today. Our aspiration is to be the
number one media company in each mar-
ket in terms of total revenue, which in cer-
tain markets we are about to reach today.
Third, our people are our most impor-
tant asset. We want to continue to evolve
and not only be healthy, but vibrant, and be
the fastest-growing company in the media

space. We are not only going to continue
to do great radio but also be a successful
multi-platform entertainment and digital

Radio Ink: How do you respond to the
rumors that the company is for sale?
Wilson: Throughout time people have
always speculated. We have great share-
holders, and most importantly, a great
board of directors. Oaktree has been our
primary shareholder since the beginning.
The support I get personally from the
board and that the company gets overall
in terms of resources is very evident.
The reason our people are driving these
results is that we are backed with great
investors. As we continue to differentiate
our company and people externally rec-
ognize that we are not only a great radio
broadcaster, we are a premier local adver-
tising/marketing company, I expect more
and more investors to be interested in the
company. One of the changes as I moved
into the CEO role was taking on investor
relations over the last seven months.
I couldn’t be more excited about the
investor reaction from the meetings we
are having. People understand the strat-
egy more, about mid-market America and
our strength and differentiation in digital
and live events, and the holistic perspec-
tive of how we approach it. My expecta-
tion is our story gets better and better
understood externally over the next 12-24
months and we will get more and more
interest in the company, which is a posi-
tive thing for all our employees.

Radio Ink: Where do you get all your
Wilson: I am a people person, so I feed
off the energy of our team, our audience,
and our clients. I am an avid runner as
well. Additionally, about four years ago I
started doing yoga, mostly as a medita-
tion vehicle, but also for its physical ben-
efits. I wake up completely energized, and
the only way I can fall asleep at night is
by meditating. I am blessed to have high
energy all the time.

Radio Ink: How many times have you run
the Insane Inflatables course?
Wilson: Once, and it was a lot of fun.

“I met Bill in the
very beginning of
Townsquare. Even
though he was one of the
most senior executives
in the company, he
immediately not only
put me at ease, but
really wanted to hear
my thoughts, and that
hasn’t stopped since.
He encouraged and
mentored me (and still
does). He believes in
creating our future, and,
as a result, our company
thrives. Bill’s passion
for our employees, our
company, and our local
markets is endless. He is
one of the best people I
know and I’m proud to be
on his team”
LaDonne Craig
Market President
Townsquare Media
Evansville, Indiana
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