Radio Ink Magazine – August 12, 2019

(Tuis.) #1


This ain’t your father’s WKRP in Cincinnati.
The story Turi Ryder tells in her new book,
She Said What? (A Life on the Air), has all
the personalities from the late-’70s sitcom,
but magnified, in a no-nonsense, glaring,
warts-and-all reveal of this radio journey-
woman’s rock and talk radio career.
Cleverly using a technique known as
roman à clef (French for “novel with a
key”), Ryder portrays the real people and
real places that have been part of her life
on and off the air. The reader is drawn
into the blur between nonfiction and fic-
tion, and will be trying to recognize these
people and these places.
The TV-friendly composite characters
of Dr. Johnny Fever, Herb Tarlek, Arthur
Carlson, and Andy Travis are replaced by
very real people sporting the noms de
guerre of Hash Henderson, Scorch Brooks,
Blaze, White Cake, The Wart, Dale Tinker,
Zeke Sada, Mr. Reverso, STP, and a host of
others — all players in Ryder’s painting of
her nomadic radio life.
A resume that includes stops in Chicago,
Los Angeles, Minneapolis, San Francisco,
Portland, and other markets in between
provides a 500-plus-page book of experi-

ences that will have readers, particularly
those who have played in the ether in
one way or another, nodding their heads
and laughing at the satirical (and at times
serious) portrayal of radio over the past
20-plus years.
The book is divided into three parts, and
Ryder’s vignette style of writing gives us
an intimate look at her life in the business,
her life at home, and how the two mesh
at times and crash at others. Throughout,
Ryder blends her desire to be the best she
can be at home and the creative spark that
drives her to be the best in the business
— a business that she makes clear doesn’t
always treat people, especially women,
very well.
There are plenty tales of sexism in her
A PD vilifies her during an aircheck for,
she writes, “not sounding likable. Likable
was defined as having a pleasing vocal
tone of the sort that might put listeners in
the mood for sex.”
Or getting fired by another PD who says,
“We are tired of your BS. Every woman
I’ve ever hired has been a great employee
because she was willing to work twice as

hard as the men to prove herself. You,
Ryder, don’t want to work any harder than
anybody else.”
Or the incident with the top evening
rock jock in L.A. While in the studio pre-
paring to go on her overnight shift, she
teased him about the white shoes he was
wearing. He slammed her into the slow-
moving logger tape machine and her hair
started rolling up in it as he berated her
with racial epithets.
Ryder says there was no apology, and
management was obviously backing their
male star. She writes, “The next day began
my education in the big dog/little dog
approach to station management ... it’s
still a fact that if you’re a feisty Chihuahua,
almost any pit bull with an appetite can
have you for lunch.”
With a book filled with insight and writ-
ten with a passion for the radio craft,
Ryder has shown she is a wordsmith as
well as a radio pro.

She Said What? (A Life on the Air) is pub-
lished by Tortoise Books, Chicago. You
can learn more about Turi Ryder at http://www.






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