WOOD Magazine – October 01, 2019

(C. Jardin) #1
¼" bolt with
hex-key head

Oval T-track nut

7/16" -deep groove for
3/8"-thick T-track


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22 WOOD magazine October 2019

Get an edge on maintaining
a consistent sharpening angle
To quickly and accurately position plane irons in a sharpening
jig, write down the distance from the iron’s tip to the jig after
you sharpen the iron. (I mark the distance directly on the iron
using a permanent pen.) The next time you set the iron in the
jig, you’ll know precisely how far to extend it.
—Dan Martin, Galena, Ohio

Tool-tray system adapts
to your changing needs

I’ve long debated whether to add a perma-
nent tool tray to my workbench: It would be
handy at times, but it could also get in the
way, or not be adaptable to my changing
work requirements. So I added a tray that
attaches to f lush-mounted T-track using
bolts, washers, and nuts, as shown. (Note
that you will need to cut the T-track groove
extra long so the bolts slide out easily.)
I plan to build other accessories that
attach to the T-track, such as a small shelf for
holding chisels upright but with the handles
below the level of the benchtop. The possi-
bilities are endless!
—John Harvey, Loveland, Colo.


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