Diabetes Self-Management – September 2019

(Jacob Rumans) #1





What to expect: Parenting kids with diabetes


arenting is difficult enough, but raising a child with
diabetes has its own unique demands. In most cases,
you’ll be raising a child with type 1 diabetes, but type 2
is becoming more common in kids. According to the
CDC, more than 200,000 people younger than 20 have
a form of diabetes.
In either case, you’ll need a diabetes medical manage-
ment plan to best manage your son or daughter’s health
needs. Work with your family doctor or pediatric endo-
crinologist to develop a plan that outlines the special
needs of your child so that day care providers, teachers
and coaches are aware and can be supportive. The plan
will spell out blood monitoring routines, treatment
strategies, nutritional requirements and involvement in
sports and activities. The National Diabetes Education
Program developed a free plan that is available online.

Caring for all ages
Kids with diabetes are often scared and angry when
they are diagnosed with diabetes, so it’s important that
parents stay involved in every step. Involvement from
mom and dad looks different for children with diabetes
depending on their age.
Younger children need a greater deal of attention
in the physical aspects of managing diabetes, such as
giving shots, drawing up insulin and checking blood
sugar levels. As early as age 3, some kids are ready to
start monitoring their blood sugar levels. Kids 8 years
old and older can be taught fingerstick tests, and some

can even be taught to give themselves insulin.
Older children may need their parents to remind
them to take their medicines and support them with
good self-management behaviors. Researchers found
that adolescent children were better managed and
adhered to their medicines when their parents were
involved in blood glucose monitoring. As a child’s
body changes during puberty, diabetes might need to
be managed differently, as some teenagers may need
more insulin. Talk to your child’s doctor to see if you
need to adjust the treatment plan.

Disciplining diabetes mismanagement
Deciding how to punish children’s poor behaviors and
choices around diabetes care is a difficult decision. Many
children already feel punished for having diabetes and
may feel resentment and anger around any additional
reprimands. Only one study has examined the effects
of disciplining children with diabetes, and it found
that a parenting style that is firm but supportive and
affectionate may help children ages 4 to 10 years old
better manage their diabetes and adhere to their medi-
cines. Severe punishment to change behavior usually
only works in the short term, so parents have to choose
whether they want short-term or lasting change with
their children’s diabetes management. †

Paul Wynn, a writer based in Garrison, New York, is a frequent
contributor to Diabetes-Self Management.





16 September/October 2019

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