Diabetes Self-Management – September 2019

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Wide-Leg Alternating Toe
Touches: Stand with your legs
wide and your arms stretched
out. Alternate bringing your
left hand down and over
toward your right shin or foot
as you exhale. Come back up
to standing on your inhale and
then repeat on the other side.
Continue for 10 touches on
each side.

*This can also be done seated*



Seated Twist: Seated at the
front edge of your chair, sit
with your feet flat on the floor
and your spine erect. Keep
your hips and knees still (facing
forward) and begin to twist
toward the right, grabbing the
outside of your right leg with
your left arm and reaching for
the top or side of the chair
with your right arm. Hold this
position for five long breaths,
then repeat on the other side.


Breathing Practice: Sit
comfortably in your chair with
your feet on the floor and your
spine long and supported.
Close your eyes and focus on
each part of your breath. Inhale
for four seconds and notice
your chest and ribcage expand.
Pause and hold your inhale
for four seconds before slowly
releasing your exhale for five
seconds. Pause at the bottom
of the exhale for three to four
seconds. Set a time on your
phone for one minute or repeat
this cycle five times.





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