Publishers Weekly – August 05, 2019

(Barré) #1


Mind-Body-Spirit Books

guide to herbal spells for many purposes. Dunwich is a professional astrologer, occult
historian, and the author of Exploring Spellcraft: How to Create and Cast Effective Spells.
Along the same lines is The Modern Witchcraft Guide to Magickal Herbs (Adams
Media, Dec.) by Judy Ann Nock, who writes about herbal magic as a natural way to
practice witchcraft and describes how herbs can be used in many ways to help set
intentions through every part of a witch’s process. With information on 100 herbs,
the book explains which are best for specific kinds of spells and how to use them,
including step-by-step instructions for making herbal bundles, potions, and sprays.
Nock urges consistent practice: “True spiritual growth comes from challenge and
change... [but] change for the sake of change is not necessarily good. Any spiritual
technique must be practiced for some time before you see or feel the benefits....
Constantly altering what you do to spiritually connect with the Divine serves only to
confuse your subconscious.” Nock is the author of The Modern Witchcraft Book of
Natural Magick and The Modern Witchcraft Guide to the Wheel of the Year.
In The Witch’s Herbal Apothecary: Rituals & Recipes for a Year of Earth Magick and Sacred
Medicine Making (Fair Winds, Jan. 2020), Marysia Miernowska teaches readers how
to use plants, seasons, and cycles as magical tools to tap into earth magic, as well as
how to process plants and make remedies in harmony with the seasons. Miernowska,
coauthor of the previously mentioned The Ultimate Guide to Witchcraft, is the director
of the California branch of the Gaia School of Healing & Earth Education and the
master herbalist and owner of Wild Love Apothecary.
One herb in particular has been drawing the attention of publishers. John Hays,
director of sales and marketing for Inner Traditions, says that with the advancing decrim-
inalization of cannabis and the success of Michael Pollan’s How to Change Your Mind,
“we’re in the midst of a psychedelics and cannabis movement.” Inner Traditions has
responded with Cannabis for Couples: Elevate Your Relationship and Enhance Intimacy
by John Selby (Inner Traditions, June), which draws on the author’s NIH-funded
psychedelic research and decades of experience as a couples therapist to show how
enjoying cannabis together in the proper setting can strengthen a couple’s bond, improve
communication, enhance sexual pleasure, and foster emotional and spiritual growth.
Llewellyn’s books on the topic include High Magick: A Guide to Cannabis in Ritual &
Mysticism by Philip H. Farber (Apr. 2020), which explores the spiritual and magical uses
of the plant, with step-by-step instructions and guidance from ritual magicians and
cannabis proponents showing how the
herb is used in magical practice. Farber
is a magician and hypnotist who teaches
at MaybeLogic Academy.



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