Publishers Weekly – August 05, 2019

(Barré) #1

Mind-Body-Spirit Books

ISBN: 978-1684034178
US $16.95










reiki master teacher and author
of The Art of Psychic Reiki

Book series are ubiquitous in MBS, and there are reasons. “Series work on
several levels,” says Joel Fotinos, v-p, editorial director, and publisher of the
St. Martin’s Essentials imprint. “They allow the publisher to publish material
on a variety of topics but that all fits into a theme.” There are marketing
advantages, too, he notes. “Each new book allows retailers and media to
revisit the entire series, which keeps the books selling. And series are great
for readers. If you are interested in one of the books in a series, you also
have access to books on related-but-different topics that you may not have
thought about before.”
Publishers of series in MBS are all doing books on the same topics, so
design and packaging are key, Fotinos says. “There are many books on
certain topics, so ours need to be the ones that grab the readers’ atten-
tion, so they want to not only read the book, but also own it and have it
on their shelves.”
SME’s Essential Wisdom Library features modern-language editions of
sacred books such as the Bhagavad Gita, the writings of St. Francis of
Assisi, the I Ching, the Tao te Ching, and Toltec wisdom. The Start Here
Guides include Energy Healing: Simple
and Effective Practices to Become Your
Own Healer as well as Forest Bathing:
Discovering Health and Happiness Through
the Japanese Practice of Shinrin Yoku, and
Meditation: The Simple and Practical Way
to Begin Meditating —all three of which
are available now. November will bring
Chakras: Using the Chakras for Emotional,
Physical, and Spiritual Well-Being and
Auras: The Anatomy of the Aura is coming
in April 2020. The GPS Guides to Life
(Good, Practical, Simple) series includes
four classic motivational and religious
science books by James Allen, Napoleon
Hill, Joseph Murphy, and Wallace Wattles
publishing between January 2019 and spring 2020. “I think of each series
as a library of collected wisdom that brings ideas and information to
readers in very specific ways,” Fotinos says.
“MBS is fundamentally about curiosity,” says Sterling senior editor Kate
Zimmermann. “They’re useful for people who want to have multiple paths to
happiness and healing and self-discovery.” Sterling’s Ritual Wellness series
includes Ritual Wellness: CBD by Blair Lauren Brown (Nov.), as well as titles
on ayurveda, herbs, melatonin, collagen, goddess shamanism, and intuition
releasing from October 2019 to April 2020.
“This series is more health-oriented,” Zimmermann says, “but a compo-
nent of each book is how you can incorporate the featured ingredients—like
adaptogenic herbs or CBD—into your daily practice.” Sterling also pays
attention to packaging, she notes; “They’re pleasurable to look at and own,
and they make great gifts.”
Sterling’s Little Bit Of series includes A Little Bit of Dreams as well as
titles on tarot, crystals, and the Buddha. Forthcoming are A Little Book of
Self-Care: Breathwork by Nathalia Westmacott-Brown (Sept.) and volumes
on trigger points, sleep, and self-reiki (coming between September 2019

MBS Publishers on

the Power of Series

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