The Counter Terrorist – August-September 2019

(lu) #1

14 The Counter Terrorist ~ August/September 2019

drive only a short distance. The truck
only makes it a few meters when its
sheer weight cause it to lose traction in
the loose, moist soil. The truck is more
apt for the streets and the hard tarmac
without off-road tires. So we radio for
one of the two Land Rovers that are
in other positions to replace the heavy
truck. Within seconds, a Land Rover
pulls in and the doctor and I get in
while trying to cover each other with
The Land Rover comes under heavy
automatic fire in that moment, all of
this at a distance of about 10 meters
now. This shooter has already taken
a few hits; he saw his friend die a

moment earlier, but he just won’t
go down; I suppose he knew that
he was slated to die that night. He
had crossed the point of no return
when he initially opened fire. That
moment sealed his fate. This is the
main difference between him, the
terrorist, and a common criminal, or
a soldier for that matter; he is man
with nothing to lose, and once he has
decided to die he is going to try to
take as many of us along with him as
he can. No surrender, no escape, and
no negotiation.
Boom! The final of three grenades
explodes, killing him. We close in
to the enemy position and see to it

The bullet moved trough
this gap, grazing the
left side of his skull and
leaving a wound about
4’’ long, removing hair
and enough skin to
see the bone and then
blasting out the back of
his helmet.

14 The Counter Terrorist ~ August/September 2019

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