The Counter Terrorist – August-September 2019

(lu) #1
The Counter Terrorist ~ August/September 2019 17

their sovereignty. Not only does the
new compact allow for the free flow
of immigration, it also prohibits
the criticism of migration. The pact
“expands the definition of hate speech.
Criticism of migration will become
a criminal offense, and media outlets
that that give room to criticism of
migration can be shut down.”^1

n part one I related the journey
of Muhammad and laid out the
foundation of the Hijra steadily
gripping the globe. Now the forces
behind unfettered immigration have
accelerated their plans. The United
Nations Global Compact for Migration
has been passed, with only a few
countries opting not to sign away


Triumph of the Hijra


The Counter Terrorist ~ August/September 2019 17
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