The Counter Terrorist – August-September 2019

(lu) #1
The Counter Terrorist ~ August/September 2019 19

Photo by: IDF

[But] the people are individuals who
are living in a country, they are not a
group who define themselves as the
German people.” Apparently, Merkel
and Macron have been exchanging
notes, as Macron stated at a 2018
Armistice Day speech that “patriotism
is the exact opposite of nationalism
[because] nationalism is treason.”
Because Merkel isn’t running for
reelection, it appears she is trying
to deliver the death blow to Europe
before leaving German politics in
Knife crime in Germany continues
to rise. In 2017, police reported 3800
knife crimes. In 2018, the number
rose to 4100. In the first 45 days
of 2019 there were over 500 knife
crimes.^6 The May 2019 issue of the
German woman’s magazine illu der
Frau chose to run an article on the
treatment of a knife wound instead of
their usual content!

The German media is constantly
bombarding the people with anti-
Trump, anti-Brexit, anti-conservative
stories. I recently saw an article that
Jews are coming under increasing
attack, and that anti-Semitism is on
the rise in Germany. If chancellor
Merkel is truly concerned about the
welfare of Germans Jews, perhaps she
shouldn’t import anti-Semites.
Apparently some of the volk are
clearing their minds of the cognitive
dissonance and waking up. While
traveling through Rosenheim, Bavaria,
we came upon campaign posters
for the conservative Alternative for
Deutschland (AfD) party. The ad shows
a Muslima in her mandated clothing
with the caption “Women Need
Freedom Stop Islamization.” Although
the German media portrays AfD
members as Nazis, the party continues
to gain seats in the Bundestag as well as
the EU parliament.

European People's Party [CC BY 2.0 (https-//]
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