The Counter Terrorist – August-September 2019

(lu) #1
The Counter Terrorist ~ August/September 2019 7


t is Monday 10:00 am, and I am
waking up after just three hours
of sleep. I have spent the last night
training in open-field combat. So, why
am I up after so little rest if everyone
else in the unit is still asleep at least
until noon? Well, like most units in
the IDF we, too, are dependent on
donations from western countries.
Rich families or companies donate to
the war on terror and get a tax break

from their country. They also can feel
good about what they are doing and to
whom they are giving their money. I
have become the unofficial spokesman
for my unit when the donors come for
a tour of the base. I have to be fresh,
funny, and interesting and at the same
time be interested and feed their ego a
bit. So I drag myself down to the office
to meet a man and a woman who are
from South Africa. They are a nice

The Counter Terrorist ~ August/September 2019 7
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