New Scientist – August 17, 2019

(Martin Jones) #1
12 | New Scientist | 17 August 2019

FAST radio bursts could be the
key to a greater understanding
of the cosmos. If we can use
these milliseconds-long bursts
of radio waves to measure
distances across space, it
may help us figure out the
true nature of dark energy.
We measure cosmic distances
using objects with a predictable
brightness, or luminosity. By
comparing how these “standard
candles” appear from Earth
to how bright we know they
actually ought to be, we can
work out how far away they are.
There are only a few types
of standard candles, including
supernovae and stars with
well-known luminosities.
Now, Tetsuya Hashimoto at the
National Tsing Hua University
in Taiwan and his colleagues
have found a property of fast
radio bursts (FRBs) that may
let us use them in a similar way.
“The standard measures
that we have all have their
limitations,” says Amanda
Weltman at the University
of Cape Town in South Africa.
“If we can find a way to use
FRBs, then we get a new way
of constraining cosmology
that should be independent
of all the others.”
We have found dozens of
FRBs so far and expect to find
thousands in coming years,
including some further away
than the other standard candles.
This could make the FRBs
particularly useful, she says.
Hashimoto and his team
compared the luminosity and
duration of a sample of 27 FRBs
and found a correlation: the
longer a burst lasted, the
brighter it was (
abs/1907.11730v1). So
measuring the duration of
a burst might allow us to
estimate its intrinsic brightness

and calculate its distance.
Although the luminosities
and durations didn’t all match
up perfectly, the researchers
calculated that there is less
than a 4 per cent probability
that this relationship is just
due to chance.
If this is confirmed and FRBs
can be used as standard candles,
they may help us figure out the
nature of dark energy, which is
speeding up the expansion of
the universe. If we know how far
an object is from Earth, we can
calculate how fast it is moving
away from us, which depends
on the universe’s expansion.
Spotting more FRBs from further
away could help us find out how
the expansion rate has changed
over the universe’s history.

It could also give us a clue
about what creates FRBs, which
are of unknown origin, says
Hashimoto. This idea that the
longer a burst is, the brighter it
will be supports three models
of what causes these signals:
the interaction of a black hole’s
powerful jet with a cloud of
debris; a collision between a
neutron star and a comet or
asteroid; and a shock travelling
through a supernova remnant.
It is unclear which, if any,
of these models is most likely,
and before FRBs are used widely
as standard candles, we will
have to figure out what causes
them. “The assumption that’s
going into this is that there’s
only one type of FRB, and that
seems unlikely,” says Weltman.
“We really need to know how
FRBs work before we can trust
this relationship.” ❚

A TECHNIQUE that uses trees
to spot minerals in the ground
has had one of its first major
successes, after a company struck
gold in South Australia.
Trees act as pumps, bringing up
mineral-containing water from
deep underground. By analysing
their leaves, it is possible to see
if gold is present below.
This is hard to do because the
quantity of such minerals in
leaves is tiny. But Australian firm
Marmota has now discovered a
vein of gold using the technique.
It is 6 metres thick with 3.4 grams
of gold per tonne. Although that
isn’t especially large, it could be
the tip of a new, larger deposit,
since the vein is 450 metres from
any previously known gold.

The firm had tested the
technique before, but this is
the first time it has been used
for genuine prospecting.
The find was made after leaves
collected from senna trees in the
area showed high levels of gold.

Firm uses trees to

prospect for gold

Minerals Cosmology

David Hambling Leah Crane











Drilling confirmed its presence.
“For each new area, we need
to work out what plants are
present on site, which part of the
plant – leaves, twigs, bark etc. – is
likely to give the best response,
and potentially adjust for any
seasonal or local factors,” says
Aaron Brown at Marmota.
The work was aided by new
tools that can detect tiny traces of
minerals, such as coupled plasma
mass spectrometry. This uses a
plasma at 10,000°C to break a
sample into atoms for analysis.
Gold prospecting usually
involves collecting soil samples.
The new approach allows
sampling to occur without any
digging and sees much further
underground. “It is also a relatively
cheap method for a first pass
across an area,” says Nathan Reid
at the Commonwealth Scientific
and Industrial Research
Organisation in Australia.
However, when a significant
find is made, the subsequent
mining activity will be extremely
damaging to the environment. ❚

Trees suck up water from
below that contains
minerals, such as gold

6 metres
The thickness of a vein of gold
found by testing tree leaves

“ We expect to find
thousands more
fast radio bursts in
the coming years”

Odd space signals
could unmask

dark energy

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