New Scientist – August 17, 2019

(Martin Jones) #1

40 | New Scientist | 17 August 2019

measure their aggressiveness by kicking the
hive or throwing a brick at it,” he says. “Some of
them even had zero response. They didn’t want
to sting at all.” These insects looked like hybrid
bees, but they didn’t act like them. Giray was
forced to conclude that, sometime during the
decade since their arrival, the once-vicious
killers had evolved into bees as docile as their
European cousins. Nature had finished what
Kerr had started.
What was the mysterious force driving
this transformation? Giray’s first thought
was that it had something to do with habitat.
Islands tend to have fewer predators than the
mainland, but the challenge of island living
is to get by with scarcer, seasonally available
resources. As a result, species often adapt to
focus on energy efficiency and ensuring they
have calories for leaner times, making them
fat and docile. The turkey-sized dodo, for
example, evolved from a small, airborne
pigeon that arrived on Mauritius. This
“harsh seasonality” could have had a similar
effect on Puerto Rico’s bees, forcing them to
forage well and pick their battles. Hurricanes
would have played a part too, by killing off

“ What was the

mystery force

driving the bees’



Social insects, such as ants and many
bee and wasp species, have a remarkable
ability to rapidly adapt to changing
environments. In Puerto Rico, honeybees
evolved from being highly aggressive
killers to gentle foragers in just a decade
(see main story). This rate of change
seems extraordinary, even given the
recent realisation that evolution can
happen surprisingly quickly. It is easy to
see how a bacterium, reproducing every
20 minutes or so, can evolve immunity
to a drug, but the generation time of bees
is far longer. Worker honeybees live for
around a month, drones survive for five
to 10 weeks and the queen can make
it to three years or more. So if rapid
reproduction isn’t the key, what has
allowed Puerto Rico’s bees to evolve
so quickly?
In part, it is the fact that when bees
produce eggs and sperm, their genes
are more thoroughly shuffled than in
other species and the mutation rate is
very high. This creates lots of different

genetic combinations, increasing the
potential to produce highly variable
offspring able to survive in a wide variety
of environments. Although this sounds like
a winning formula, there is a reason most
animals don’t adopt it: mutations are more
often harmful than helpful. When so many
occur during the production of sex cells
there is a risk of losing vital bits of genetic
information and ultimately the entire
species. But bees, and some other colonial
insects, have a trump card to get around
this problem: the haplodiploid sex system.
It works like this. Male drones develop
from unfertilised eggs and have only one
pair of chromosomes: they are haploid.
Female workers develop from fertilised
eggs and have both pairs of chromosomes,
and so are diploid. The queen is the only
fertile female in the colony and mates with
about 12 to 20 males to produce the hive’s
population. Because drones only have one
pair of her chromosomes, any harmful
mutations that arise have no alternative
versions of the genes to counteract the

bad ones. So, if one of the hive’s lines of
descendants mutates too far, the drones
it produces will die or be unable to mate,
removing the line from the gene pool.
This combination of haplodiploidy
and high mutation rates creates enormous
genetic diversity in colonial insects. It is
this that allows the colony to respond
rapidly, and with nuance, to subtle
alterations in the environment – as if it
were a single organism. In Puerto Rico,
the environment seems to have favoured
active foragers over aggressive individuals
and the drive to change was so strong
that it happened in just a few years.
Yet despite such remarkable
adaptability, bees and other colonial
insects are declining in numbers
worldwide. Marla Spivak at the University
of Minnesota sees this as an indictment
of the environmental conditions humans
are imposing upon them. “The fact
they’re struggling right now really shows
that they are being pushed to, or beyond,
their tipping points,” she says.

The killer that changed its stripes

all but the most skilful hoarders.
There is another possible explanation.
Giray’s collaborator, Arian Avalos, now at the
US Department of Agriculture, suggested that
the bee’s rapid evolution might be connected
to the island having the highest human
population density of anywhere in the hybrid
honeybee’s range. This could have led to
unwitting human selection because people
regularly encountered hives and those
containing the most aggressive bees were
systematically destroyed, leaving only the
calmer bees to repopulate the isolated island.

Disease-resistant bees
The likelihood is that all these factors
played a part. What is truly amazing is that
the bees have evolved incredibly rapidly,
yet have retained an enormous amount
of genetic variation even though their
numbers have crashed on several occasions
(see “The killer that changed its stripes”,
below). The result is a remarkable creature
that isn’t just docile, but resistant to disease
and good at producing honey.
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