CHARGED Electric Vehicles Magazine – July-August 2019

(Michael S) #1



IONITY, a joint venture of several automakers that’s
building a fast charging network in Europe, has opened
its 100th high-power charging site. Located in Rygge,
Norway and operated by Circle K, the site has six 350
kW IONITY charging points, and has the space to add
up to six more.
“Rygge is an ideal stop-off and charging location
for those traveling from Oslo to Gothenburg, Malmø,
Copenhagen, and Hamburg,” said IONITY COO Mar-
cus Groll. “The latest generation of ultra-fast charging
stations delivering 350 kW is currently the last word in
high-power charging. We have secured agreements with
renewable energy suppliers in nine countries and are able
to offer our customers green energy.”
He added, “There are a further 51 sites under con-
struction and our first stations in the United Kingdom,
Ireland, Holland, Italy are now open for business. For
about 95 percent of the planned stations, the contracts
with the respective site owners have already been signed.”

Natron Energy, a developer of sodium-ion batteries, has
received a $3-million grant from the California Energy
Commission (CEC) to manufacture and install an energy
storage system at a fast charging station on the Universi-
ty of California San Diego’s campus.
Natron says the project will result in a cost-compet-
itive, at-scale alternative to Li-ion batteries and offer
superior performance for the high-power/short-dura-
tion dispatch and long cycle life requirements of the fast
charging market.
Natron’s battery technology uses Prussian blue pig-
ment, which stores and releases energy in the form of
sodium ions. Unlike electrode materials found in most
lithium-ion batteries, Natron says Prussian blue enjoys
widespread availability and low cost.
“The Energy Commission’s EPIC research program
accelerates innovative technologies to drive the scale of
change needed to address the serious impacts of climate
change,” said CEC Vice Chair Janea Scott. “Projects like
Natron Energy’s sodium-ion battery system, which pairs
energy storage with electric vehicle infrastructure, can
help smartly integrate vehicles with no tailpipe pollution
into the electric grid.”

IONITY opens 100th high-

power DC charging station

Natron Energy to add sodium-

ion batteries to fast charging

station at UC San Diego

Image courtesy of IONITY

Image courtesy of Natron Energy
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