Spotlight - 10.2019

(coco) #1
10/2019 Spotlight 27

Foto: Simon Reddy/Alamy Stock Photo


With a population of over 22 million,
India’s financial capital is one of the most
densely populated cities in the world. A
mega-megapolis on the country’s west
coast, where slums, skyscrapers, grime
and glamour coexist in an alternate,
chaotic universe, Mumbai — formerly
known as, and still fondly called, Bombay
— is an island city of immigrants. People
from all over India come here to make
their dreams come true.
India’s most populous city (and
second most populous metropolitan
region) can overwhelm you at first. If
you’re here for just a few days, it may
seem difficult to choose from among
the many things to do, all while battling
Mumbai’s terrible traffic. The trick lies
in keeping your mind open, alert yet ad-
venturous. Embrace the chaos and you’ll
be rewarded with Mumbai’s lively spir-
it, diverse cultures and youthful charm.
Despite the fast pace of life, Mumbaikars
are famously friendly. You’ll find it easy
to move around with a basic knowledge
of English and a ready smile.

alert [E(l§:t]
, wachsam
alternate [O:l(t§:nEt]
N. Am.
, hier: parallel
densely [(densli]
, dicht
embrace [Im(breIs]
, akzeptieren

fondly [(fQndli]
, liebevoll
grime [graIm]
, Schmutz, Dreck
, überwältigen
pace: ~ of life [peIs]
, Schnelllebigkeit

The Gateway of
India in Mumbai,
capital of the state
of Maharashtra
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