Spotlight - 10.2019

(coco) #1

54 Spotlight 10/2019 EVERYDAY ENGLISH

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An online course

DAGMAR TAYLOR presents four dialogues about
doing a course online. Read them and try the exercises.


  1. Better than expected
    Friends Ben and Kate are catching up in the pub after work.

  2. Tell me more
    Kate is telling Ben about the online course she is doing.

Ben: (takes a sip) Ah! That’s better.
What a day! Sometimes, I hate
my job. I really need to start
looking for something else.
Kate: You’ve been saying that for
years. What on earth is stop-
ping you?
Ben: I just never get round to it,
I suppose.
Kate: You know what they say...
there’s no time like the
Ben: I know, I know. Maybe I’ll

update my CV this weekend.
How’s your online course
Kate: Changing the subject, are we?
(laughs) Yeah, the course is
really good. Definitely better
than I expected.
Ben: What is it you’re doing again?
Kate: I’m doing a short course in
bookkeeping for personal and
business accounting.
Ben: Oh, wow! That sounds very
grown up.

Ben: So, tell me a bit more about
this course you’re doing. I’m
intrigued. How long does it go
for? And do you get a recog-
nized qualification at the end
of it?
Kate: It’s a four-week course. There’s
no formal qualification as
such, but I think it’ll look
good on my CV anyway. I’m
doing it for myself more than
anything. I’ve always dreamed

of having my own business,
and I’m hoping that the skills
I learn on this course will give
me the confidence to take the
Ben: Fair enough. It certainly can’t
hurt. But wouldn’t you prefer
to be in a class with other
students and a teacher?
Kate: If I had the time, I suppose I
would. But this suits me very
well at the moment.

⋅ Starting a question with What on
earth...? shows that you feel surprised
by the thing that you’re asking about.
⋅ When you get round to doing
something (UK), you find the time to
do it.
⋅ I suppose is often used at the end of
a statement to show that you think
something is true or that you haven’t
thought about it before.
⋅ There’s no time like the present is
a saying that means now is the best
time to do something, not in the
⋅ If something is described as grown
up, the speaker means that it is
sensible and typical of an adult.

⋅ Recognized qualifications are exams
or courses of study that are officially
accepted and approved of.
⋅ You can use the structure There’s^
no ... as such to say that what you
mean by the word you are using to
describe something is not the exact
sense of the word.
⋅ When you take the plunge (ifml.),^ you
decide to do something important
or difficult, especially after thinking
about it for a long time.
⋅ Fair enough (UK ifml.) is used to say
that an idea or suggestion seems
⋅ If something suits you, it’s easy to do
or useful for you.
accounting [E(kaUntIN]
, Buchhaltung, Buch-
approved [E(pru:vd]
, anerkannt, zugelassen

confidence [(kQnfIdEns]
, Selbstvertrauen
CV (curriculum vitae)
[)si: (vi:]
, Lebenslauf

intrigued [In(tri:gd]
, fasziniert
sensible [(sensEb&l]
, vernünftig
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