Spotlight - 10.2019

(coco) #1


Fotos: PR; 221A/

Spotlight 10/2019 MY LIFE IN ENGLISH

, Wandlungsfähigkeit
gifted [(gIftId]
, begnadet
ginger [(dZIndZE]
, Ingwer

playwright [(pleIraIt]
, Theaterautor(in)
pretty [(prIti]
, hier: ziemlich

When was your first English lesson?
I must have been around 10 years old.
I remember the lessons because I thought
my English teacher was very pretty, which
meant that I really enjoyed the lessons.

Who is your favourite English-language
writer, actor or musician?
As a writer or playwright, I would choose
William Shakespeare. In his plays, he
shows every emotion of which humans
are capable. As an actor, Peter Ustinov
would be my choice. I once spent three
hours talking to him at a hotel in Berlin.
He had that wonderfully understated
British sense of humour and was the
perfect gentleman. Ustinov was a gifted
actor, too. My choice of singer has to be
Robbie Williams. His adaptability and
talent have surprised me over and over

What is your favourite food from the
English-speaking world?
I love the Indian dish shahi paneer. It has a
creamy sauce made with tomatoes, carda-
mom, green chili, ginger and yogurt.

Which person from the English-
speaking world (living or dead) would
you most like to meet?
Queen Elizabeth II. She would have a lot
of interesting stories to tell.

If you could be any place in the English-
speaking world now, where would it be?
It would certainly be Miami — because of
the amazing climate.

Which is your favourite city in the
English-speaking world?
London. I spent a year there while I was
still at school and thought it was an excit-
ing and fascinating city.

What special tip would you give a friend
who was going to visit this city?
Discover the city in the footsteps of Sher-
lock Holmes. There are Sherlock Holmes
tours you can take, and there is even a
book on the subject, Sherlock Holmes’s
London: Explore the City in the Footsteps of the
Great Detective by Rose Shepherd.

Have you ever worked in an English-
speaking environment?
I once worked at the Grips Theater in
Berlin with a director who spoke only
English. It was pretty funny because there
were quite a few misunderstandings that
had to do with language.

When did you last use English?
Yesterday, in my role as Dr Gerner in
the TV series Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten.
Dr Gerner was in Singapore speaking
English to a waiter.

What was your funniest experience in
While we were visiting Thailand, my wife,
who speaks very basic English, got along
better than I did speaking Oxford English.

What is your favourite English word?
“Indeed.” It sounds so British.

Which phrase do you use most when
you speak English?
“I have no idea.”

Which person from the English-
speaking world would you choose to be
stuck with on a desert island?
The British actress Keira Knightley.
I think she’s very charming and attractive.

What would be your motto in English?
Live and let live!


Wolfgang Bahro

Er ist in der ganzen deutschsprachigen Welt als Rechtsanwalt
Prof. Dr. Dr. Jo Gerner in der Fernsehserie „Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten“ bekannt.
Hier erzählt uns der Schauspieler von seiner Begegnung mit Sir Peter Ustinov.

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