Daily Mail - 17.08.2019

(singke) #1

Daily Mail, Saturday, August 17, 2019 Page 29

Vile: Epstein hugs a companion in the street near his New
York home. Above, his mansion in Palm Beach, Florida
and Epstein victim Virginia Roberts with Prince Andrew

around his waist. He took off the
towel. and then he was all naked
and he lay face down on the
massage table.’
in a stern voice, the man ordered
the young girl to remove her jeans
and sit astride his back in her
panties, with her buttocks against
his. then he pleasured himself.
afterwards, he produced a purple
sex toy and touched Mary with it.
For this she was paid $300.
But police inquiries into Epstein
soon hit an obstacle. He was
already known to the Palm Beach
force — as a generous benefactor.
about 12 months earlier, he gave a
$90,000 donation to pay for a
firearms training simulator.
one senior cop said: ‘i think we
were of the general understanding
that, yes, there were very attractive
young women coming and going
from Mr Epstein’s residence. We
were of the belief that they were all
adults and so we had no further
interest in it.’
Six months later, a young woman
was arrested for possession of a
small amount of marijuana. Let’s
call her alison: it’s not her
real name. She, too, has a
disturbing story to tell about
358 El Brillo Way. it began at the
clothes store Hollister in Welling-
ton Green mall, where alison was
working for six bucks an hour as
an assistant, aged 16.
another of the girls told her she

could earn $200, just for giving an
old guy a massage in his home.
‘She said that he wanted cute
girls, so i looked cute, did my best.
Like, this guy’s not going to pay
you for not letting him cop a feel or
nothing. i wasn’t naive enough to
think that.’
She was introduced to a woman
who called herself Sarah. alison
thought Sarah was some sort of
live-in personal assistant. Later,
she revised that opinion. Sarah
seemed to be a willing sex slave.


HE ‘old guy’ demanded a
massage, and cajoled alison
into stripping to her
underwear and allowing him
to grope her. afterwards, she
agreed to return: ‘$300 for 40 min-
utes, that was a lot.’
alison insists that she always
refused to have full sex with
Epstein. on one occasion when he
did force himself on her, holding
her head down on the massage
table she screamed ‘no!’ and
he stopped.
in any case, she claimed,
her abuser rarely wanted
conventional sex. Perhaps that
was because his genitals were
apparently deformed.
one witness later described
Epstein’s penis as ‘egg-shaped’,
but alison was more specific: ‘He’s

circumcised, and he has some sort
of birth defect. [His penis is] really
weirdly shaped, like a teardrop,
like a drop of water... ’
Epstein rarely asked consent
before committing some new
violation. alison continues: ‘i said,
“What are you doing, you know
that’s not cool.”
‘He said, “oh, i thought we did
that last time,” and i said, “no we
did not do that last time.” and
then he just offered me more
money. He’s like, “Why don’t i just
give you something extra and we
can try this out?” Very hard guy to
say no to.
‘you know what he promised me?
He promised me that i would get
into nyU [new york University].
that i would get into nyU and he
would pay for it. i filled out my
application and he told me that it
wasn’t good enough. So i filled it
out again, like three times.
‘i’m pretty sure he wasn’t
checking it, he was just telling me
he was... But i think that had a lot
to do with the reason i stayed
there so long.’
as alison consented to ever more
depraved sex acts, Epstein’s
rewards became more lavish. ‘He
used to tell me i was his favourite.
i’d go over there and there’d be a
bag of Victoria’s Secret underwear,
like $1,500 worth. i got a plane
ticket once. i got a car, i got Christ-
mas bonuses, i got movie tickets.
He wanted me to come and live
with him as a girlfriend, sex slave,
whatever you want to call it.’


HE began to bring other
schoolgirls to visit him. ‘i
brought girls i didn’t like
and, frankly, did not give a
**** about. Girls that i knew would
do anything. i’d just hear a rumour
about a girl and be like, “Hey, i
know a way you can make $200.” i
would tell them flat out, like, “this
is what you’ve got to do. are you
cool with this? ’Cause i’m not
gonna take you if you’re not.”
‘they all know that i got paid to
bring them. My best friend, she
took off her shirt. She was a little
overweight, so he didn’t want any-
thing to do [with her]. She was
homeless and really needed money.
So she did it out of desperation.’
Epstein’s demands became
violent, picking alison up by her
ponytails and throwing her against
the wall before sexually assaulting
her. ‘i mean, there’s been nights i
left there barely able to walk.’
She visited regularly for two years
but eventually became so scared
that she handed the car back and
broke off contact. She was still at
high school.
He had other women who would
procure schoolgirls for him.
one, Wendy, told how she’d
first been approached by another
girl on the beach who said she
could make $200 if she gave
someone a massage.
She was taken to his house and
as she began the massage he tried
to grab her buttocks. ‘i’ll massage
you,’ she told him, ‘but i don’t
want to be touched.’ Epstein paid
her $200 and told her that he
understood she was not comfort-
able, but he would pay her if she
brought over some girls, the
younger the better.
once she brought a 23-year-old
woman to the house, but Epstein
told her she was too old. Wendy
went on to bring girls aged between
14 and 16 and each time he paid
her $200. one of them was her own
cousin — ‘Mary’, the pupil whose
purse full of money first aroused
the suspicions of her teachers.
one girl led the detectives to
another. Every time, they heard
the same story: the girls are
approached by Wendy, by alison,


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