Daily Mail - 17.08.2019

(singke) #1

Page 48 QQQ Daily Mail, Saturday, August 17, 2019

Brad first lit up the big screen as cowboy J.d.
in Thelma and Louise (1991). a small-time
bank robber, he was devilishly attractive in his
white Stetson hat. Watching his big bedroom
scene with Thelma (Geena davis), millions of
women had the same thought at the same
time. No, not that one. This one: ‘Who the heck
is that dude?’
It was only a cameo performance, but it had
a huge impact, making the unknown boy from
Missouri famous overnight. It wasn’t long
before my phone rang. ‘Jangelina,’ came a
frightened voice. ‘What should I do next?’


IrST of all I want to say thank
you. Thank you for finally break-
ing free from angelina and saving
your best years for women every-
where, but mostly for me.
It has been a long wait, but I like to think it has
been worth it, for all of us, for both of us, but yes,
mostly for me. For now, at 55, you look better than
you ever did. and Brad, that is saying something.
With your dirty blond hair and that chiselled jaw,
you have always had classic movie-star good looks,
but in your case suffused with something more
soulful; like some heavenly hybrid of robert redford
and fluffy puppy. remember I said exactly that to
you many years ago? and you lovingly replied that if
I didn’t move away from the entryphone at the gate,
you would call the police?
My sweet Brad. We have always been close, you and
I — inside the whirling canyons of my mind, if
nowhere else. and it was a silly mistake, just a slipped
vowel between two colliding worlds, when you
accidentally married Jen instead of Jan all those
years ago. How well I remember that wedding! One
that I had certainly expected to see through a veil,
Brad, but not a veil of tears.
It was unusual because the groom was almost as
pretty as the bride. It still pains me to think about it.
But I forgive you, like I always do. and let us not
speak of the angelina years, just focus on the fact
that you always come back to us, but mostly to me.
and now with two marriages and six children in
your wake, you are like a great sail unfurling on the
home stretch, like a fine wine uncorking in slo-mo as
you upgrade from classic vintage to a grand cru. No
longer the pin-up pretty boy, you have become more
and not less attractive with the passing years.
all this is brought sharply into focus in your new
film, Once Upon a Time... In Hollywood. You play
the role of Cliff Booth, stuntman to actor rick dalton
(Leonardo diCaprio.) You really are the tough guy
he only pretends to be onscreen. In one entirely
gratuitous but glorious scene you climb onto his roof
to fix the TV aerial. It is hot up there, so you stick a
beer into your tool belt and whip off your shirt.
There are actual gasps in the cinema when this
happens and Brad, not all of them came from me.
Women across the land are going absolutely crazy
about how gorgeous you are in 2019 Technicolor —
and how fabulous it is that you have maintained your
physicality with discipline and workouts.
darling Brad, I like to think that every time you
pick up a dumb-bell in the gym, you think of me,
your precious Jangelina. In the meantime, let us
consider exactly why everyone is mad for Brad...

PERHAPS one of the greatest
things about Brad is how he wears
his Norse-god good looks so
lightly, onscreen and off.
Once Upon A Time... In Holly-
wood is set in 1969, where his
stuntman character Cliff pads
around LA in Minnetonka
moccasin boots, yellow T-shirts
and aviator sunglasses.
In his most charming role to
date, nothing dents Cliff’s coolness
or bulletproof charm, whether he
is relaxing on the set (above) or

driving around the city. In the film
he has a dog called Brandy, a fond-
ness for Kraft macaroni cheese
and he is happy playing second
wheel and emotional support to
his more famous boss.
The film explores themes of
male friendship alongside grow-
ing old while losing your looks
and your potency. Is this the role
that will deliver Pitt an Oscar?
Certainly it showcases that cool
masculine quality that only big
movie stars such as him exude.


PROVING that even hunks can
have a bad hair day, Brad’s
bleached hippie look (above) is not
one of his best. Thankfully he comes
to his senses to appear in one of his
most iconic roles in Fight Club (1999).
‘I don’t want to die without any scars,’
says his character Tyler Durden. His
topless scenes (right) were such a hit they
sparked a global Google search. More than
18 million men asked the gods of the internet:
‘How can I get a body like Brad Pitt’s in Fight
Club?’ As Brad well knows, there was a follow-
up called Jan Club, but the first rule of Jan
Club is that you do not talk about Jan Club.




Corbyn: Let


take over

vacant shops

VaCaNT high street shops should be given
to start-ups and community projects to
reverse a ‘retail apocalypse’ and stop the
town centres becoming ghost streets,
Jeremy Corbyn will say today.
The Labour leader wants councils to be given
the power to reopen abandoned shops which
have been vacant for 12 months or more.
On a visit to Bolton, Mr Corbyn will say the
proposals would rejuvenate ‘struggling’ high
streets by bringing back into use some of the
estimated 29,000 retail units which have been
abandoned for over a year.
Under Labour’s plan, local authorities will be
able to turn vacant shops over to start-ups, co-
operative businesses and community projects.
The party said this would help reverse the ‘eco-
nomic decay’ of town centres.
Mr Corbyn will say: ‘Boarded up shops are a
symptom of economic decay under the Conserv-
atives and a sorry symbol of the malign neglect
so many communities have suffered. Once thriv-
ing high streets are becoming ghost streets.
‘Labour has a radical plan to revive Britain’s
struggling high streets by turning the blight of

By Larisa Brown
Political Correspondent

Soldfinger! 007

car hits £5.2m

THE bumper-mounted machine guns, tyre
slashers and passenger ejector seat might not
be of the most practical use.
But that hasn’t stopped an unnamed bidder
splashing out £5.2million on James Bond’s
famous DB5 from Goldfinger and Thunderball.
The 1965 Aston Martin became the subject of
a fierce bidding war at the world’s biggest car
auction in Monterey, California, and beat the
previous record for the car by £1.6million.
One of four built for the films and promo-
tional events featuring 007 star Sean Connery,
it has 13 modifications by the movie’s special-
effects team. These include two Browning rep-
lica machine guns, wheel-hub mounted tyre
slashers and a bulletproof rear screen.
Barney Ruprecht, of auctioneers Sotheby’s,
said: ‘We are beyond thrilled with the result.’

Star and car: Sean Connery with DB5

empty shops into the heart of the high street,
with thousands of new businesses and projects
getting the chance to fulfil their potential.’
Labour local government spokesman andrew
Gwynne said: ‘Under this Government, our high
streets have suffered a retail apocalypse.
‘High street closures are at a historic high,
leaving too many of our once thriving towns
abandoned and awash with boarded up shop
fronts. Labour will turn around the mess the
Tories created and will give local authorities the
power to make our high streets the pride of our
communities that they once were.’
But Jake Berry, the Tory local growth minister,
claimed: ‘Jeremy Corbyn would wreck the econ-
omy, tax small businesses and scare off the invest-
ment needed to help our high streets, meaning
more boarded-up shops and fewer jobs.
‘We will deliver Brexit by October 31 so that we
can get on with levelling up opportunities across
our country and breathe new life into high
streets and town centres.’

‘He would wreck
the economy’
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