Daily Mail - 17.08.2019

(singke) #1
Page 51

Tar very much

Former mayor: Vince Hunt

Could spicy

dish from

Korea be

a cure for


IT is known for helping maintain
a healthy gut, but now scien-
tists have found kimchi could
be used to reverse hair loss.
The Korean dish of fermented
cabbage, onions, garlic, fish
sauce and spices is already
popular with health-conscious
consumers and known for its
probiotic qualities.
But research shows a kimchi
drink sold in South Korea helps
thicken existing hairs and grow
new ones within weeks.
Researchers at Dankook Uni-
versity near Seoul studied 23
men, some in the early stages

By Andy Dolan

By Pat Hagan

Track outside councillor’s isolated country home is

resurfaced – as major local roads remain potholed

Tale of two roads: A pitted street in Oswestry and the resurfaced
lane outside Vince Hunt’s house in neighbouring Trefonen

Daily Mail, Saturday, August 17, 2019

Oswestry if other roads had been
relaid instead.
Sandy Best, who serves alongside
Mr Hunt, 55, on Oswestry Council
said: ‘The main street in the town is
full of potholes. There’s also a grid
sinking down in it, which had warn-
ing lines sprayed around it so long
ago that they are now fading away.
Other main thoroughfares also need
attending to. People in the town are
saying “What about our roads?”’
The road where speaker of Shrop-
shire County Council Mr Hunt lives
bisects fields in countryside south
west of Oswestry. His home includes
stables and peacocks have been
known to roam the grounds.
Paul Wiseman, who set up Shrop-
shire Friends to hold elected offi-

cials to account, said: ‘Councillor
Hunt’s lane doesn’t see a lot of traf-
fic which is why it is surprising that
it has been chosen to be resur-
faced... how nice of Shropshire
Council to think of Mr Hunt and his
neighbours in these trying times.’
The lane was relaid just before
Christmas last year, 17 months
after fellow councillor and Trefo-
nen resident Joyce Barrow had
contacted council officers.
In an email in July 2017, titled
‘Vince Hunt’s Road!’, she wrote to
highways manager Chris Fisher,
asking: ‘Vince has asked me to find
out when the middle bit of the
[lane] will be resurfaced as he was
promised some time ago.’ Mr Fisher

replied: ‘We have been unable to
get Ringway [the council’s then
highways contractors] to do any
patching for us this year. I will sub-
mit this as a scheme and keep you
and Vince informed.’
By October 2018, the work was
given the go ahead. Unsurprisingly,
most of Mr Hunt’s neighbours
welcomed the work. Peter Long,
who lives nearest the councillor,
said: ‘The road before was awful,
full of potholes and dangerous.’
Shropshire Council said: ‘High-
ways maintenance is prioritised on
the basis of need, not by council-
lors demanding specific work to be
done.’ Mr Hunt, a father-of-two, did
not return requests for comment.

‘The lane doesn’t
see a lot of traffic’

THe lane outside the afflu-
ent village of Trefonen
serves just six properties,
including the sprawling
country home of leading
councillor Vince Hunt.
So when the one-mile track –
which the former town mayor
rides his shire horse down – was
resurfaced while other key
roads in neighbouring Oswestry
remained pitted and potholed,
eyebrows were raised.
A fellow councillor said there
would have been a greater econom-
ical and environmental boost to

hair growth’

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of hair loss and others visibly
thinning on top. They were told
to have a kimchi drink before
breakfast and at bedtime.
After a month, the average
number of hairs had risen from
about 85 per sq cm of scalp to
90, and then 92 after four
months of drinking the liquid.
The scientists said this was a
significant increase that
appeared to have reversed hair
loss in most of the men.
In a report on the findings,
published in the World Journal
of Men’s Health, the research-
ers said: ‘Current drugs can
have adverse effects so their
use is usually temporary.
‘We found kimchi could pro-
mote hair growth and reverse
baldness. It is a safer treatment
strategy for patients.’
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