The Classic MotorCycle – September 2019

(vip2019) #1
Starsall setfor ClassicTT

John McGuinness, Dean
Harrison, Michaels Dunlop and
Rutter,ConorCummins, Jamie
Coward,JamesHillier and
DannyWebbare just some of
the stellarnames expectedfor
this year’s ClassicTT festival,
whichbeginsonAugust 17,with
the race days August 24 and26.
ExpectPatons to battle with MV
Agustas,Manx Nortons,Honda

twins and fours andMatchless
G50s fo rSeniorrace honours,
with supportingclasses
and Superbike(in whichour
colleague,Fast Bikesjour no
Mike Booth will be c ompeting
on his £600-purchase ZXR
Kawasaki) racescompleting
the programme.
Details at

This is arefreshingbookas
it not only covers theorigins,
models and specification of
thesemotorcycles from the
earlydays, butalsoshows how
theywereused for work,sport
and pleasureint he countries
This often mirrors howthese
motorcycleswereused in the
UK when theyfirst starte dto
be imported in the 1960s,from
cheap,utilita rian andrugged
transport,tof ar moreofa
leisureand indeed ‘collectable’
Virtually all of themachin es
made by theState-owned
factories in theUSSR until its
demisein1991, both military
and civilian,cantrace their
heritage backtopre-Second
WorldWar BMWR71 machin es
and it’s believed theSoviet
Union wasusingthe design
under licence and copies of
DKW125 and 350cctwo-stroke
machin es were made after the
whole plantwas shipped back
to Russia postwar aspartofthe
reparations forwartime losses.
Many Britishand American
shipped to Russiadurin gthe
SecondWorld War, including
Velocettes–thereise ven
printedaRussian copyofthe
Velocette MAFhandbook.
Machines were imported
from CommunistBloc
countries,with Jawa from
Czechoslovakia and Pannonia
two- strokesfromHungary,not
surprisingly,being very popular.
Motorcycle sportisc overed,

with road racing, particularly
in Estoniabeingpopular and it
is surprisingtor ead that there
were manyfemale competitors.
Theincredibly dangerous
ice racing on fr ozen lakes
with fearsome spiked ty resis
This is thefirstEnglish-
language textonpostwar
motorcycles pr oducedin
the Soviet Union andhas
technical information on every
motorcycleproducedint he
USSR between1941 and 1990.
Thereise xtensiveuse of
previouslyunavailable material
and thebookisf ully illustrated
throughout inboth blackand
white and colour photographs
and illustrations.This is a
lives of ordinarycitizens in the
USSR and thehidde nhistoryof
Soviet motorcycle sport–from
ice racing and speedwayto
road racing, motocross and
mot orcyclefootball.
Rare family photographs
illustratethe place of
motorcycles insociallife in
the USSR and 20th century
is appliedtomotorcycling.
Also coveredare aspects
of motorcyclin gnot seen
bears asriders andcamels as
of utilitarian motorcycles
on ascale notseenbeforeor
sinc e. Awell-researched and
Bookreviewed by JonathanHill.

motorcycling in the
USSRfrom 1939”

Book Review

Published by:Veloce Publishing
Ltd, Veloce House, ParkwayFarm
BusinessPark,MiddleFarm Way,
Poundbury,DorchesterDT1 3AR
Email:[email protected]
Fax:01305 250479
Hardback,280 x207mm (portrait);128 pageswith 286
photographs and illustrations.
£25; $40 USA

Glamis Cast le sh ow

The45th Scottish Transport
Extravaganza took placeat
GlamisCastle ,Forfar ,overJuly
13/14, 2019.Theweatherwas
very temperamental, as is usually
the case in thoseparts ,but the
Sunday cleared up andthe sun
shone.With anattendance of
around 15,000, it is the biggest
even tofi ts kind inScotland.
Awide rangeofmotorcycles
were in attendance–altogether
ther ewere105 public
motorcycle entries, covering
the veteran, vintage,post
vintage ,classi cand modern
classiccategories,from1914 to
from the organisingclub,the

Stra thmoreVintageVehicle
Club (SVVC).Manyoft he public
by membersofthe Central
Scottish branchofthe Vint age
Motorcycle Club.
alsodispla yedsome bikes,
includingBSAs, Triumphs,
Nortons,Hondas andYamahas.
Therewereeventwo ex-WD
motorcyclesbeing displayedin
the militaryvehiclesection.
All enquiries on this event
should be directedtothe
organisingclub at http://www.svvc.
Fran cisLee.

From 1923,the McKenzieRoadsterisarea lrarit y.



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