The Classic MotorCycle – September 2019

(vip2019) #1

a100mphmotorcycle, butformethe most
funwas to be had between thirdandfifth,
whenit'll whizzpastslowermoving vehicles
and carvethroughtrafficwith ease.Just
drop it downagear,the waypeoplealways
usedto, giveit ahandfuland you'reoff,past,
and searchingforthe nexttarget.
InitiallyIwondered iftheseat mightbe
abit uncomfortableon alongride butthe
moreIrode it, the comfierit got.
Thebike feelslightand Iexpectashorter,
slighterriderwouldhavenotrouble slinging
it about.It makesagreat citybikeasmuch
as it doesaback-road scratcher.Some
haveconcernsthatabike that's'just' a
650 wouldn'tmakemuchof atourer,but a
screenfitted wouldallowyou to travelfor
Idothinkit's possiblyabit tallfor
some.Apartfrom that,thisisasmashing
middleweightmotorcyclethat wi

you grinningfrom earto ear.Ifthey'dhada
deliverydateforthered and blackone with
the blackwheelrims, I'dhave beenhard
pushednottoput my moneydown. Five­

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