The Classic MotorCycle – September 2019

(vip2019) #1




the returning

Olympic Games

Motorcycle couriers atop newDouglases, delivering
press photographs and doing it in style.


his intriguingpictur e, captured
duringthe 1948London
Olympics,epitomises modernity
and abrave newworld, with theseamlessly
styl ish, beautifu llooking Douglas twins,
not forgettingthe equallyslicklooki ng
gentsridingthem,posed alongside a
Long beforeelectronic methods of
transportingpress photographs,itw as not
an uncommonsighttos ee thembeing
delivered by motorcycle couriers and
aeroplanes,and this (admittedlysomewhat
stag ed-looking) photographdoesthe
perfectjob ofcapturing the process.
Douglas enthusiast, tuner and
London-based agentEddy Withers (Withers
of West Norwood Limited) is astrideaMark
III Sports Model, registr ation JYT147,with
colleagues TedBrigginshaw (bag in hand)
and AlbertLeRoy on standard(aka De
Luxe)MarkIII models.The‘pres s’ plates
abovethe headlightsrevealsthe purpos eof
the delivery–theyare carryingphotographs
rushedfromaLondonathletics meetingtoa
waitingAir FranceLockheed.
Douglasclaimedthe Mark III Sports
Model wasthe fastest350cc production
sports roadsteron theBritish market at the
time,with amaximumspeedof80mph.The
Sports Model used ahigh-levelexhaust
system with the twin exhaust header pipes
leadingintotwo Burgessstraigh t-through
‘silencers.’Itisalsopossible to pickout the
neatheatshieldattachedtothe pipe.
Theremovalofthe transversemounted
tool boxabove the gearbox on thestandard
machineallo wedthe Sports Model to

carryalarge circular air cleaner that was
connectedtoeachcarburettor intake.The
reworked cylinder head achieved the
improvements desired –the lowspeed
engine vibration reducedsignificantly
and therewas anoticeable increasein
acceleration and top end performance over
previous incarnations.
Aftera12-year hiatuscaused by the
SecondWorld War, the 1948London
Olympicswere thefirstsummerOlympiad
to be held since the 1936games inBerlin.
Originally, the 1940OlympicGames were
originall ygoingtobehoste dinTokyo and
then inHelsinki,butdue to the conflict
occurring at the time and the divide of
nations thegames were cancelled, aswere
the 1944OlympicGames,whichwere
awarde dtoLondon.
The1948Olympicswere called‘the
austeritygames’due to thefinancial
struggles Britain andmanyothernations
were facing.This wasapparentasno
newvenues were built for thegames and
athleteswere housed in alreadyexisting
accommodationat the WembleyArena,
instead of anOlympicvilla ge.Everything
wasdone onasmaller scale,with a‘make
do and mend’attitude extended to ensuring
that theshow, orat leastashow of some
kind,went on.
Germanyand Japan were not invited,
with one of thestars of thegames Fanny
Blankers-Koen, a30-year-old mother of
two(leadingtoa‘TheFlying Housewif e’
nickname) whowontwo gold medals in
athletics,while 17-year-oldUS decathlete
BobMathias became theyoungestgold

for itsfirstdefector, as aCzech official
refused to return home.
Theaeroplanecanbeidentified as a
memberoft he AirFrancefleet, acompany
that wasrebrandedonthe dawn of 1946,
when ithadanoverhaul and upgraded
its aircraft.Air transport at the timewas
improvingand rapidly expandingona
globalscale, and thiswasmostdefinite ly
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