The Classic MotorCycle – September 2019

(vip2019) #1

rantheir ownschemes,leadingtotheir
In 1951, AJSrider GeoffWard (28 points)
wonthefirst British 500ccChampionship
fromLesArcher(Norton, 19) andBrian
Stonebridge(Matchless,16) and ayear later
Victor Leloup (FN,28) took thefirstEuropean
500c cChampionshipfromAuguste Mingels
(Matchless,20) andJohn Avery(BSA, 12).
Thefirst motocross world 500cc
championshipwaswon by Sweden’sBill
Nilsson (Crescent-AJS)in1957 andTorsten
Hallman(Husqvarna) was thefirst 250cc
world champion in1962, which leaves the
earlierEuropean 250cc series,but records
of what happenedin thisare scarce and
muddied –ifo ne accepts1957 wasthe start
year,then FritzBetzelbacher (Maico)wasthe
inauguralEuropeanchampion, butmany
observers recordthisast he forerunner of the
European250cc Championship,inwhich
case theCzech Jaromir(Jawa)secured the
first 250cc championship in1958.Whathas

allthis to dowith theMotocross desNations?
Well, within two yearsofi ts introduction
the MXDNhad earn ed blueriband status
in Europe,givingriders and countriesa
challenge apartfromthe satisfaction of
winning individualraces andasateamevent
some regarded it as theMXequiv alen tof
other international sportingevents, including
the Olympics,asmentionedearlier.
While motocross canbeateamevent, the
sportisrather more aboutthe individual.The
European500cc championship launchedin
1952 wasinstantlyarival toplineevent that,
to some,was immediately moreimportant
than theMXDN. Significantly, the topriders
from thecountries whosupportedthe early
Motocros sdes Nationswere competitors
in the newEuropean championshipwith
rounds held in theircountries (Belgium,
France,Great Britain,Italy, Luxembourgand
Sweden) with the exceptionof Holland, who
suppliedavenue the following year.
As fa rast he racing wasconcerned, in 1950

Sweden providedafield dayfor th eBritish
teamand theBirminghammotorcycle
factories.TheSkillingarydtrack wassimilar
to some British circuits,whichsuitedthe
strong UK team.Itw as aBSA one-two-three
in thefirstheat,with Basil Hallleadinghome
John Averyand Bill Nichol sonand then in
the second race Harold Lines’Ariel le dhome
BrianStonebridge’s Matchless with Geoff
Ward (AJS )fourthand DonEvans (Ariel)
sixth ;Olle Nygren(Sweden, BSA) thirdand
SGuilly (Belgium,Saroléa)fifth.Britain took
five of thesixplace sint he 17-lapfinal, with
DutchmanHendrikRietman(Saroléa) inthird
preventingaclean sweep.Thus,itw as Johnny
Draper (BSA) fromHall, Rietman,Lines,Ward
and Nicholson.TheBritish teamof Draper,
Hall andLines (the bestthree riders)took
th etrophyfromSweden’sNygren,EEriksson
(Triumph) andHBrinkeback(Arie l).

Numberfivein Belgium
Againstthe background of discussion leading

Left:JCox,AJS,leaping highatNew Cuttingduringthe
1949 races at Brands Hatch.

team in 1950.HaroldTaylor, of theACU, is on crutches
on th eright.Despi te havi ng one leg,Taylor wasanISDT
regu laronsidecaroutfits.

High-flyingHaroldLinesin1950.Hewon the
second raceatthe Nations –again,notehis
aftermarketrear springing.

The teams of thesix nationsatthe 1951 eventfile backintothe paddock afterthe official


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