The Classic MotorCycle – September 2019

(vip2019) #1
to thefirst European 500cc championshiprun
in 1952 (arrangements the FIMfinalised at a
meetinginParis inautumn 1951)the Belgian
circuit at Namur–whichhad beenagood
hunt ingground for Britishriders–played
hosttot hefifth Motocrossdes Nations.But
1951 wasn’t to be Britain’syear,despite
their previouseasy wininSweden meaning
theywereodds onfavourites.Theevent
proved atwo-horsemeeting, with Belgium
andBritain sluggingito ut,France made
it onto the team leaderboardand noother
countries competedinthefinalwith intact
teams. Historywas toprovethat this would
be Bill Nicholson’slastMXDN. In laterlife
inte rviews ,heoften commentedhow he was
disappointe dnot to ride in the eventagain, as
he’d alwaysenjoyedit.
Draper (BSA)took thefirst seven-lap
heatfromBelgiansJansen andMeert(both
Saroléa) with Nicholson fourth.However,
despite thegrea tBelgianrider and future
European champion (1953 and 1954)
Mingels puttinghimself outofthe event
by hittingatree, the home teamremained
confidentand looked strong. In thesecond
heat BelgianMeunier (Saroléa) took a
relativ ely easywinfromBritain’snew boy
Phil Nex, areplacementfor the injured Basil
Hall. Nexwas aleadingrider duringthe
1950s,who favouredridingint he lucrative
non-championshipracesonthe continent. A

modest, thoughtfulman, whostruggledwith
innerturmoil, hesadlyendedhis ownlife
in 1970.
In the 11-lapfinal, BelgianVicto rLeloup
(FN)led home fellowteamstersJansen and
Meunier(both Saroléa) totake the laurels,
with Britain’sStonebridge (Matchless),Ward
(AJS )and Draper (BSA)fillingthe nextplaces
andthe team runner-upspot.
Theearlier mentioned European 500cc
championship,launchedin1952, appeared

to have impinged on thevalue and
newsworthinessoft he Motocrossdes Nation s,
whichwas reduced to asingle 15-lap race
forthe year’s BrandsHatch-bas ed even t. It
waswon by Brian‘Stra wberry’ Stonebridge,
on aMatchless,while the Britishteam of
Stonebridge,Ward, AJS, Nex, BSAclinched
the honours.
From the following season ,the original
format of tw oheats and afinalwas
again adopted.But th at’s anotherstory.

Top:FPairiot, Saroléa,ato ne of the many
jumpsatthe Belgi an Namurcircu it,which
Right:Twooft he starBritishmen in the
early yearswereBasil Halland,later,Phil
Nex. Hereareboth at the 1952 event.

MXDN winningnations

USA2 2
Great Britain 16
Belgiu m1 5
Sweden 7
Fran ce 6
USSR (then teamname)2



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