The Classic MotorCycle – September 2019

(vip2019) #1



the case with AirFrance.In1949, the
airline transported more than 20,000,
passengers worldwide,compared to
6,000,000 in 1945.
TheMarkIII Sports Model wasregarded
as one of thebest–if not thebest –ofthe
post-Second World WarDouglas twins.
Some call the twomodel s(whichreplaced
the earlier,single modelMark Irange)
simply theSports Model and theMark IIIDe

Luxe (so no ‘Mark’ moniker for theSports
Model) butfor consistency we have calledit
the Mark II Sports Model to differentiate it
from theMark I.
Thebasic mark series machin es (and it
should be notedthere wasnoMarkII) saw
some updates and adjustments since its
initialreleasein1947and, althoughstill
cataloguedas‘III’inOctober 1949, in effect
theywerethe Mark IV.TheMkVwas listed

for1951. Total production ofMark series
As afinalhurrah, acheck on thenumber
JYT147 reveals it isstill on theDVLA
databaseand still onaMarkIII Douglas,
registered in August 1948 ,whichwaslast
taxed in 2018,so it is mostlikel yinuse and
on theroad.
If you arelucky enoughto have that
machin einyourgarage, do let us know.


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