Deals On Wheels Australia – September 2019

(Marcin) #1


American Truck Historical Society (ATHS)
holds its gala event in a different location.
This year saw the event take place in Reno,
Nevada and I was lucky enough to find
myself holed up in the Grand Sierra Resort,
looking out over several carparks full of
outstanding trucks.
Before we get into the details of my five
days of fun in the “Biggest Little City in the
World”, I need to let you all know a little
information. Some of the more enlightened
folks are probably well aware of the detail
that follows but for the less enlightened, like
myself, here goes.

ne hour and 35 minutes in the
air, followed by a one-hour-and-
35-minute layover, then on to a
13-hour-and-40-minute flight. Add
another four-hour-and-20-minute
layover and topped off with a quick one-
hour jaunt. Easy? Bulls#@t! It’s an awful
way to spend a day, but it’s necessary.
Necessary if you want to spend the
weekend at the world’s largest historic
truck show.
Trust me, if you love trucks then you do
want to make the effort to get to the world’s
largest historic truck show. Every year the

The lights of Reno
are dwarfed by the
sparkle of nearly a
thousand trucks

'Uncle Kenny' stands proudly in
front of his 1926 Ford Model TT
with matching Hickory logging
trailer. The ‘truck bunk and trailer’ is
as original as it was when the Ford
four-banger motor was pulling logs
back in its glory days


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