APC Australia - September 2019

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superguide » 60 Office tips

PowerPoint and Impress

You can embed a photo into a slide’s
background in PowerPoint by clicking
Format Background on the Design tab.
Select ‘Picture or texture fill’ then
choose to insert a picture from a file, the
clipboard or online. Once done, you can
adjust its transparency, type (tiled or
stretched) and position on-screen. Like
what you see? Click ‘Apply to All’ to
apply the background to all your slides.
Impress users should simply select
Slide > Set Background Image to select
a suitable image – it’ll be stretched to
fit by default. Another way to add the
image is by right-clicking on a slide’s
existing background and choosing
Properties. Select ‘Bitmap’, click ‘Add/
Import’ to import your image, then use
the controls to tweak its position and
size – choose ‘Custom position/size’
and tick Scale to correct overstretch.

One handy navigation aid for presenters
on large PowerPoint slideshows is to
split them into distinct sections. This
doesn’t simply mean creating section
slides, but also inserting section
dividers: click between two slides to
bring up a red dividing line, then
right-click and choose Add Section. Give
your section a name and you’re done.
Repeat throughout your presentation

  • you can collapse section headers,
    plus use them to quickly rearrange the
    running order of your presentation
    via drag and drop.

Summary slides enable you to display
multiple slides on a single slide as a
summary, plus make them interactive
so clicking a specific thumbnail will
take you to the slide in question. In
PowerPoint, click Zoom on the Insert tab

to create one – these can be a summary
of the entire presentation, a specified
section or a group of one or more selected
slides from your presentation. Just make
your choice and the slide will be created.
In Impress, select the first slide you
wish to appear in your summary, then
choose Slide > Summary Slide. This
creates a new (non-interactive, sadly)
slide at the end of the presentation
where all the titles from your selected
slide to the last one in the deck are
written as bullet points as a summary.
If the option is greyed out, it’s because
your slides have no titles on them.

Cropping images is a great way of
making them fit the available space
without having to edit them outside
your presentation tool. You’ll find the
option when you select a picture in
PowerPoint on the Picture Format tab;
In Impress, you simply need to right-
click the image in question and choose
Crop. Use the drag handles to select the
part of the image you wish to keep. Your
edits are non-destructive (but note our
‘Shrink File Size’ tip on the page
opposite), which means if you do want to
undo your crop, click Crop again, but
this time expand the drag handles to
restore the missing parts of the image.

Copy a slide from another presentation
by choosing the Insert > ‘Slides from
Files’ > Find Presentation tab and open
the source presentation. Select the slide
to copy and click Insert. Or simply drag
and drop across – note: the slide will
retain its original formatting but will
adhere to whichever aspect ratio you
have set up in the new presentation. Use
an existing layout to convert it to the
look and feel of your new slideshow.

When pasting text, PowerPoint retains
the formatting by default. To paste the
text and use the destination formatting
you need to expand the Paste button on
the Home tab and choose Keep Text
Only. Or, to speed things up, add the
command to the Quick Access toolbar
above the Ribbon – click the expand
button to its right and choose More
Commands – you’ll find ‘Paste and Keep
Text’ only under ‘Commands not in the
Ribbon’. In Impress, you can simply
make use of the Ctrl-Alt-Shift-V
shortcut to achieve the same; you can’t
assign custom keyboard shortcuts in
PowerPoint, sadly.

If you frequently create slideshows of a
certain type, save time by creating your
own template. Head to the View tab on
the Ribbon and click Slide Master to
create the various layouts you’ll use. At
the top is your basic master – anything
placed here will appear on all your
layouts, so use this as a starting point to
define fonts, colours, background styles
and so on. Once done, move on to create
the different layouts you need.
In Impress, you access the master slide
via the main sidebar: expand Slide and
click Master View. You’re stuck with the
pre-defined layouts – instead create
separate Masters for all the different
layouts you need. Once done, select File >
Templates > Save As Template.

Typed too much text into a slide? Both
PowerPoint and Impress will attempt to
cram the text into the available space
by automatically shrinking its font size.
Switch this behaviour off in PowerPoint
under the File > Options > Proofing >
AutoCorrect Options > AutoFormat As
You Type tab or apply it on a case-by-
case basis using the AutoFit Options
button that appears. Look out for
options to split the text over two slides
or convert the text box into two
columns if it’s massively overwritten.
AutoFit is less elegant in Impress –
you right-click a text box, choose Text
and tick ‘Fit to frame’ on a case-by-case
basis. However, you can also define this
at the Master Slide level to make it the
default behaviour for any slides based
on that Master.

Don’t like a font you’ve used? The
quickest way to get rid in PowerPoint is
to choose Replace > Replace Fonts on
the Ribbon’s Home tab in the Editing

Cropping images is a
great way of making them
fit the available space
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