The Wall Street Journal - 17.08.2019 - 18.08.2019

(Sean Pound) #1

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. **** Saturday/Sunday, August 17 - 18, 2019 |D7

ers, allowing them to switch suppliers
if there’s a weather event or labor is-
sue. But customers have little sense of
what they’re getting. They don’t know
where their peppercorns came from.
They don’t know how long they sat in
storage or when they were ground—
the moment when a spice begins to
lose its aroma and essential oils.
Spicewalla’s priority is freshness.
By buying directly, Mr. Irani says he
has spices in hand two or three
months after harvest. His first custom-
ers were restaurant chefs, who, like
home cooks, didn’t have a lot of op-
tions when it came to spices, accord-
ing to Mr. Irani. “They come in that 1
gallon jug you see at Costco,” he said.
“And you have to get that size whether
it’s black pepper, which you use a lot,
or cloves, which you hardly ever use.”
The vivid freshness was an eye-
opener for chefs. Spicewalla now sells
to nearly 500 restaurants. “His spices
are great because they are so fresh,”
said chef William Dissen of the Mar-
ket Place in Asheville, one of Mr.
Irani’s first customers. “They are
more aromatic, brighter in color and
richer in flavor.”
Burlap & Barrel was, in a way, an ac-
cidental business. Ethan Frisch, a New
York chef, left restaurants to study in-
ternational development and ended up
working to build infrastructure and
schools in Afghanistan. As he traveled
the country, he tasted astonishing
spices and herbs. “It was the cumin
that really grabbed me,” he said. “In
the province called Badakhshan, at the
western end of the Himalayas, is a vari-
ety of cumin that grows wild. I had
never tasted it before.” Mr. Frisch
started to collect spices on his travels
and bring them back to Kabul, where
he would cook big dinners for friends.
Soon, he saw a business opportunity.
“Even professional chefs don’t un-
derstand how spices grow. And like cof-
fee or chocolate, that’s important,” Mr.
Frisch said. “The variety, the terroir,
how it’s processed and dried—it all has
an impact on flavor. There’s an opacity
in the supply chain that is set up to
stop people from knowing.”
Mr. Frisch and his partner, Ori Zo-
har, are trying to reconnect customers
to the provenance of the spices in
their cupboard and expose them to
new ones. The company’s cinnamon,
for example, hails from Zanzibar and
smells a lot like red-hot candies (in a
good way). They also bring in yellow
cardamom—instead of the usual
green—from Guatemala that is fully
ripened on the vine and has a slightly
softer, sweeter flavor.
If there’s any drawback to the ex-
plosion of new spice companies, it’s
that consumers will be a bit over-
whelmed. It’s one thing to get to know
which kind of coffee you prefer. And
tea. And chocolate. It’s quite another
to try to know the history and prove-
nance of every spice in your cupboard.
Ms. Cheney of Curio Spice Co. encour-
ages her customers to start by getting
to know more about the spices they
use often and to try blends, which
make sophisticated cooking easy.
Others, though, are certain that
tasting is believing. “It’s amazing how
many people still have that 10-year-old
jar of spices,” said Mr. Zohar of
Burlap & Barrel, “and how
much better their food would
taste if they had the cour-
age to just Marie Kondo
their spice drawer.”

Spice Sources

Burlap & Barrel
Exotic and everyday
single-origin whole
spices sourced
globally from
sustainable farms.

A wide range of
spices, whole and
ground, and blends
in sizes from single-
serve packets to 50-
pound bulk orders.

Curio Spice Co.
Single-origin spices,
whole and ground,
and blends
designed to reflect a
sense of place.

Spice Trekkers
Whole spices and
loose-leaf teas.

The Reluctant
Trading Experiment
Spices straight from
India; salt from
Iceland and
flavored salts.

Diaspora Co.
The specialty here:
turmeric and, now,
cardamom too.

somewhere in the 1950s when it
comes to spices. With the possible
exception of vanilla—do you prefer
Madagascan or Mexican?—we know
nothing about where our carda-
mom, cumin and ginger come
from. We buy them wherever
and keep them forever. Then
we wonder why that curry
or stew lacks spark.
High-end chefs will attest
to the power of fresh spices.
For years, the New York
spice shop La Boîte has supplied
discerning consumers and boldface
names, including Eric Ripert of Man-
hattan’s Le Bernardin, with blends such
as Apollonia, a magical mix of cocoa,

orange blossom and pepper that works
as well on a doughnut as a pork shoul-
der. Now a new generation of spice im-
porters and blenders is working to
bring that same high quality to every-
one, often at prices that match those
you find in the grocery store.
Mr. Irani has bought spices directly
from an importer since he opened his
first restaurant, Chai Pani, in Ashe-
ville, N.C., in 2009. In 2017 he
launched Spicewalla, a company that
grinds and toasts 150 spices and 30
blends to order and sells them in small
quantities so they don’t go stale in the
pantry. Burlap & Barrel, meanwhile,
goes straight to the source, bringing in
single-origin spices: cumin handpicked
in the mountains of Afghanistan, fen-
nel from Egypt and ginger from Tan-
zania (which, for the record, is spicier
than the ginger the company sources
from Indonesia). Curio Spice Co.
brings in some spices straight
from the farm—for instance,
founder Claire Cheney offers a
local blend, Supeq, with sea-
weed, spice and sea salt all
from New England—but
buys other spices from
trusted importers to make blends
like Fleur, a mix of hibiscus, pink pep-
percorns, fennel and rose petals.
To grasp just how innovative this is,
you first have to understand how the
spice business traditionally works. The
chain is long and convoluted; a spice
will change hands five or six times be-
fore it arrives in your kitchen, going
from the farm to a consolidator to an
exporter to an importer to a re-pack-
ager and finally a retailer. It can take
anywhere from 18 months to 3 years
for spices to travel from field to table.
The secrecy surrounding the supply
chain contributes to the romance of the
business. (In medieval times, spice hus-
tlers would reputedly scare off compe-
tition by whispering that nutmeg came
from a dragon’s egg laid on top of a
mountain.) That murkiness regarding
origins helps keep prices low for trad-

Total Time 15 minutes
Serves 4

(^1) / 2 shallot, minced
Kosher salt
2 tablespoons rice vinegar
1 (2-pound) rotisserie

(^3) / 4 cup mayonnaise or
homemade aioli
3 tablespoons Dijon mustard

(^1) / 3 cup chopped cilantro
(^1) / 2 cup minced dried
1 tablespoon dried English
mustard powder
4 ciabatta rolls
1 yellow tomato, sliced and
salted (optional)
8 butter lettuce leaves

1. In a small bowl, toss shal-
lots with a pinch of salt and
cover with vinegar. Set
aside until shallots lightly
pickle, about 5 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, tear chicken
from bones and into bite-
size pieces. Transfer meat
to a medium bowl and fold
in^1 / 2 cup mayonnaise, mus-
tard, cilantro, apricots and

mustard powder. Strain
shallots and discard vinegar.
Add shallots to chicken
salad, toss to combine and
season with salt.

3. Halve ciabattas length-
wise and toast in broiler or
toaster until golden brown.
4. Spread remaining mayon-
naise over cut sides of bread.
Spread chicken salad over
bread’s bottom half, top with
tomato, if using, and lettuce.
Place top half of bread on
sandwich, press lightly and
halve sandwiches to serve.

FOR TART’S SAKE Dried apricots, minced very fine, bring bright
flavor and a subtle chewy texture to this chicken salad.


A CHICKEN SALAD must never be gloppy—
this is the first of chef Caroline Glover’s
stipulations. It should always taste of just-
roasted chicken and never be slippery (go
easy on the mayo) or cloying (no grapes).
And there should be some kick. If served on
a sandwich, the bread should have bite and
hold the salad, not succumb to it. Beyond a
crisp lettuce leaf, nothing else is required.
Ms. Glover came by these principles dur-
ing college in Fort Worth, Texas, while
working at a grocery store. There she ate a
game-changing version, minimal and per-
fect. “Before that, I never liked chicken-
salad sandwiches,” she said. “But this had
meat picked off the bone and apricots and
some mustard. It was lighter and brighter
and definitely not your lunch-line chicken

sandwich.” She ate one every day.
When she opened Annette, her restaurant
outside Denver, Ms. Glover came up with a
homage. The recipe—her third Slow Food
Fast contribution—contains tender chicken
mixed with tart minced apricots, a dash of
mustard powder, Dijon mustard and mayo.
Minced cilantro and lightly pickled shallots
provide texture as well as kick. Ciabatta has
the right chew. Butter lettuce adds a fresh
note. Sliced tomato is optional and only
worth it in peak season.
The simple recipe took about 50 tries to
get exactly right. Now it commands the
same devotion Ms. Glover once felt for the
original sandwich. “When it shows up on
the menu,” she said, “people line up.”
—Kitty Greenwald

Caroline Glover’s Ultimate Chicken-Salad Sandwich



SK ANYONE who knows
him: Chef Meherwan Irani
is impossibly nice. But
when it comes to spices, it
doesn’t take much to pro-
voke a rant. “You’d never store your
coffee for two years in a glass jar next
to the stove and expect a good cup of
coffee,” he said incredulously. “We
know the provenance of coffees and
chocolates, our meats and produce. But
we know nothing about spices.”
The guy’s got a point. In this age
of foodie enlightenment, we score
points for buying Berkshire pork and
heirloom tomatoes. But we’ve stalled



A new way of selling spices demystifies the process
to deliver greater flavor and freshness




The Chef
Caroline Glover

Her Restaurant
Annette in
Aurora, Colo.

What She’s Known
For Bringing years
of experience on
the farm to ingredi-
ent-focused cook-
ing. Rustic dishes
executed with
a light touch.

are making
the supply
chain more
and bringing
spices to



Store spices in a cool, dark place.

Tapeadate on the spices when
you buy them so you know how
long they’ve been hanging around.

Buy whole spices when possible.
Make the switch from ground to
whole especially for cardamom,
cloves, coriander, cumin, fennel, pep-
percorns and star anise.

Use your senses. If spices have no
aroma or feel dry or sandy to the
touch, they’re stale.

Be ruthless. Though there’s no ab-
solute rule about when to throw
away spices, generally you should
use ground spices and dried herbs
within six months of purchase and
whole spices within one to two
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