BBC Knowledge April 2017

(Jeff_L) #1
Just two. The most common, wet earwax,
evolved as a way to remove dead skin cells
from your ear canal. Earwax is 60 per cent
skin, with various different oils binding it
together in a brown lump. But there is
a recessive gene mutation that results in
a different mix of oils, giving grey and flaky
earwax. This dry earwax is common among
the Japanese and Native Americans.
Coincidentally, having dry earwax also
means you produce less armpit odour. LV

Are there

different types

of earwax?

The genes we inherit from our parents
influence our psychological characteristics –
things like our intelligence and memory ability

  • and our chances of developing conditions
    that affect the way we think, such as autism
    and schizophrenia. In that sense, identical
    twins – who share all the same genes –
    do think more alike than unrelated people

or even non-identical twins and other
siblings. Brain-imaging research has
shown that, during mental tasks, such
as memorising numbers, the patterns
of brain activity (which can be considered
a physical correlate of thought) are
more similar among identical twins
than non-identical twins. CJ

Do identical twins think alike?


‘Safely’ is unrealistic. However, you can
make it survivable with a little bit of planning.
If you are sitting in the left seat, wait until
the car is travelling around a bend to the right,
so you will be thrown clear of the car. Make sure
there are no oncoming signposts.


To protect your elbows, stuff your sleeves
with paper or cloth. Crouch in the footwell,
facing the door. Push the door open and jump
out at a 45° angle. Pull your elbows in and put
your fists under your chin. Keep your legs
together and don’t try to land on your feet.


Aim to land on your back. This is the widest
part of the body and will spread the impact force
most evenly. Keep your limbs and neck tensed
to prevent them flailing, and allow your body
to roll. Resist the urge to put your hands out,
otherwise you will break your wrists.


How can I jump safely from a moving car?




10 April 2017

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