Foreign Affairs - 09.2019 - 10.2019

(Romina) #1

September/October 2019


Yuen Yuen Ang on the
struggle over the Belt
and Road Initiative.

Ivan Briscoe on the
political crisis
roiling Venezuela.

Bernie Sanders on
how to end America’s
forever wars.


The Sources of Chinese Conduct 86
Are Washington and Beijing Fighting a New Cold War?
Odd Arne Westad

Competition Without Catastrophe 96
How America Can Both Challenge and Coexist With China
Kurt M. Campbell and Jake Sullivan

The Old World and the Middle Kingdom 112
Europe Wakes Up to China’s Rise
Julianne Smith and Torrey Taussig

Trump’s Assault on the Global Trading System 125
And Why Decoupling From China Will Change Everything
Chad P. Bown and Douglas A. Irwin

The Dictators’ Last Stand 138
Why the New Autocrats Are Weaker Than They Look
Yascha Mounk

The Return of Doomsday 150
The New Nuclear Arms Race—and How Washington and Moscow
Can Stop It
Ernest J. Moniz and Sam Nunn

Winning the Peace in Iraq 162
Don’t Give Up on Baghdad’s Fragile Democracy
Linda Robinson
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