Australian Men’s Fitness – September 2019

(Joyce) #1

The movement

l Take 1-2 seconds to
perform the downward
phase of the squat.
l Your bottom position
should bring your upper
legs to at least parallel with
the floor, or even lower if
your flexibility allows it.
l Ensure your weight
is evenly distributed
through your feet,
making sure the heels
never leave the floor.
l Make sure that the
knees follow the direction
of your toes: you should
be able to draw a straight
line down from your
knee to your middle toe.
l Keep the torso tight
throughout, making
sure to never allow
the spine to bend.

The set-up

Bar position: have the bar
resting on the shoulders,
making sure that it doesn’t
sit on the back of the neck.
Take time to play around
with the positioning; if
it feels uncomfortable
at all, it’s probably in the
wrong place.
Hand position: the hands
should be gripping onto
the bar and lightly pulling
it down towards your
shoulders. The hands
should be as close to the
shoulders as possible.
Torso position: the elbows
should be pointing down
to the floor, with the chest
puffed out, pulling the
bellybutton in towards
the spine to brace the core.
Foot position: the feet
should be placed slightly
wider than shoulder-
width – wide enough to
allow your hips room
to come down between
your legs, but not too
wide so that your knees
and ankles begin to
collapse inwards.




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