Australian Men’s Fitness – September 2019

(Joyce) #1

Box Clever


The box jump,
like the rope
swing or tyre
flip, is an exercise not
popular with the masses.
To lug a rarely used box
from the corner of the gym
and launch yourself onto
it, repeatedly, is an act
of defiance that speaks
of a high-performance
mindset. That, or the
leg press is busy. Either
way, box jumps aren’t
just a good way to draw
attention to yourself: done
right, they activate the
nervous system for gains
in strength and size.
Performing them regularly

  • and even as a warm-up
    before you get into your
    heavy lifting – will fire up
    your nervous system and
    stimulate the fast-twitch
    muscles neglected with
    low-intensity weightlifting.
    The result? You’ll be able to
    lift more and will stimulate
    more muscle growth.

● Stand just in front of a
box with feet shoulder-
width apart.
● Swing arms and hinge
hips back with a tall
chest, flat back and
engaged core.
● Swing arms forward,
using momentum to
jump up and slightly
forward, landing softly
with both feet completely
on the box.
● Stand up, locking out the
knees and extending hips.
Carefully step back down
to the ground.
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