Business Today – August 25, 2019

(Marcin) #1
His start-up called Neuralink is
exploring the ultimate in the
brain-machine interface (BMI)

  • humans controlling comput-
    ers with their thoughts. By way
    of proof of concept, a chip with
    3,000 electrodes, all fitted with
    an array of ultra-thin polymer
    threads, has been developed
    so that it can be implanted into
    the brain by a robot. Once that
    is done, the device can analyse
    neuron activities in a specific
    area and stimulate a limited set
    of neurons by using artificial
    intelligence (AI). But the chip
    would, by no means, control or
    affect the entire brain. Details of
    how the brain-technology con-
    nection takes place are sketchy.
    But Musk hinted at a Bluetooth-
    like activity and said that “a
    monkey has been able to control
    the computer with his brain”.
    Neuralink is currently waiting for
    regulatory approval to start trials
    on humans.
    The idea, for now, is to
    ensure that people with seri-
    ous neurological disorders can
    control gadgets and machines,
    thus empowering them to ‘talk’
    to and participate in the world
    around them. But as always,
    Musk’s long-term goal is some-
    what fantastic – a symbiosis of
    human brain, AI and computer
    to create ‘superhuman cogni-
    tion’. It will take a long time,
    though, as Neuralink has taken a
    few baby steps towards the stuff
    sci-fi is made of. But those steps
    have already startled the world
    and made us wonder about a
    future when both humans and
    machines could thought-control
    each other.

common form of interaction across
distances in the not-so-distant
future. Microsoft had previously
demonstrated the use of holograms
for telepresence. But photorealistic
holograms rendered in 3D, as in the
case of White, will enable more real-
istic participation and interaction.
However, the technology is not
yet ready for the mass market. The
HoloLens alone costs over $4,000
and requires other contribut-
ing technologies to work in sync.
Microsoft has been at the forefront
of mixed reality (MR) research for
some years now and intends to
leverage the entire bunch of tech-
nologies for specific use cases across
industries. Airbus, for example, has
started testing MR solutions with
Microsoft. The aeronautics com-
pany has identified 300 use cases
where holographic and other MR
solutions can be applied to achieve
its aircraft production goals. These
solutions can be used to help work-

ers get instructions and information
while they are on the job. In fact, be
it product design, construction or
architecture, communication or en-
tertainment, interactive holograms,
which can be touched and manipu-
lated, will take things to an entirely
new level of precision, efficiency and
creativity. The HoloLens headset
also offers eye-tracking that can
sense what you are looking at and
produce relevant information along
with automatic scrolling as you read
on. Users can log in via iris recogni-
tion, making information-sharing
among multiple co-workers easy
and secure.

August 25 I 2019 I BUSINESS TODAYI 105









Inspire in July this year must have
wondered whether they were watch-
ing a ‘Beam me up, Scottie’ type of
scene from Star Trek. It started when
Julia White, Corporate Vice Presi-
dent of Azure Marketing, showed off
what the HoloLens 2 (mixed reality)
headset could do in sync with other
cutting-edge technologies. The result
was jaw-dropping.
After donning the headset, White
explained how frequently she had to
travel on work assignments and the
big problem she faced – she could not
always speak the local tongue. White
then held out her palm and a green
mini-me materialised on it. Next, she
commanded the hologram to scale,
and within seconds, a life-size clone
of White stood on the stage, dressed
in the same outfit (it was created at
Microsoft’s Mixed Reality Capture
Studios). Of course, the world had
seen ultra-realistic holograms before,
even those developed by Canadian
scientists which could be seen with-
out special gadgets like headsets. The
scientists called the system TeleHu-
man2, but White’s virtual double
was way better. It started to deliver a
keynote in Japanese, moving as she
does in real life and emulating her
tones and vocal inflexions. True, the
hologram did not lip-sync too well
and sounded a little more muted and
sober than the real White. But it did
a good job considering that White
does not speak Japanese, and the en-
tire keynote was machine-translated.
The entire effect was made pos-
sible by using 3D-capture technol-
ogy, Azure Translate, neural text-
to-speech and artificial intelligence
(AI). The video is freely available
online, and viewers can see how such
‘holoportation’ may turn out to be a

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