Business Today – August 25, 2019

(Marcin) #1


IYUSH GOYAL,the Union Minister of Commerce and
Industry, recently cancelled a trip to China as the Budget Ses-
sion of the Lok Sabha got extended until August 7 instead of
ending on July 26 as scheduled. Such cancellations happen
all the time, but this one was different. Goyal was expected to
represent India in a key ministerial meeting – the 8th round
of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
Ministerial in Beijing – to stitch together a 16-nation free trade
agreement (FTA) that covers 45 per cent of the world’s popula-
tion and 40 per cent of global trade. Although high-level offi-
cials represented India, the absence of the political leadership
only deepened the suspicion that India is reluctant to open up
its economy to global free trade, but the country is not willing
to admit it. RCEP has its pitfalls, though. India already has an
FTA with ASEAN, the 10-country bloc that remains the core
of RCEP discussions. Besides, it has bilateral agreements with
two others – Japan and South Korea. Although these





Lack of competitiveness,

paucity of risk capital,
infrastructure issues and a

strong rupee are preventing
exports from taking off.
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