Business Today – August 25, 2019

(Marcin) #1
If you genuinely want to be a
high achiever, you’re bound to
do some things imperfectly.
Here are some ideas of how to
let go of your penchant
for perfectionism.

By Rebecca Knight
Illustration by Ajay Thakuri

ERFECTIONISM is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it can motivate
you to perform at a high level and deliver top-quality work. On the other
hand, it can cause you unnecessary anxiety and slow you down. How can
you harness the positives of your perfectionism while mitigating the nega-
tives? What measures or practices can you use to keep your perfectionism
in check? Should you enlist the help of others?

What the Experts Say
“A lot of perfectionistic tendencies are rooted in fear and insecurity,” says
Matt Plummer, Founder of Zarvana, an online coaching service that helps
workers become more productive. “Many perfectionists worry that if they
let go of their [meticulousness and conscientiousness], it will hurt their
performance and standing.” And so they cling to their perfectionism
even when it’s counterproductive. If this describes you, take heart. Rein-
ing in your perfectionistic propensities is not as hard as it sounds. “It’s
about rechannelling a strength of yours rather than aiming for a lower




80 IBUSINESS TODAYIAugust 25I 2019
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