Paleo Magazine – August-September 2019

(Elliott) #1

10 August/September 2019

PMR #231: The Art of Breath—with Rob Wilson
can immediately calm (or upset) us, plus can
performance. We breathe automatically—
but not necessarily correctly! Power Speed
fantastic job illuminating how to be mindful
and intentional about our breath.

PMR #237: Aroused: The History of Hormones—
with Dr. Randi Epstein
Fascinating and at times disturbing,
we discovered them, attempts to control or
manipulate them, “medical research” before
ethics committees, and just how much we
still don’t know. We chat about the body’s
complexity and the hormones that control
growth, sex, hunger, mood, and more.


PMR #238: Are Health Podcasts Actually Making
Us Healthier?—with Mind Pump’s Sal Di Stefano
podcaster, we debate Paleo, social media,
the value (and potential pitfalls) of podcasts
interested in learning, teaching, and helping
others can get useful information to the
people who truly need it.

PMR #252: Decluttering Your Mind and Tech—
with Cal Newport
book Digital Minimalism and my interview
with its author mind-altering. Not your
typical condemnation of technology, ours
was a pragmatic, useful discussion about
its addictiveness, creating healthy tech
boundaries, and using that open, tech-free
time to improve our lives and happiness.

PMR #258: Learning from Erwan Le Corre, the
Godfather of Natural Movement
“godfather” of primal movement and ancestral
descriptions of how to joyfully, purposefully
new book, ;OL7YHJ[PJLVM5H[\YHS4V]LTLU[,
is a comprehensive journey through body
mechanics, awareness, and movement.

PMR# 260: Listener Q&A—Meal Prepping,
Orthorexia, Binge Eating, and More
Magazine contributor Beth Lipton) was so fun,
more conversational, plus we answered listener
topics and snacking on the Paleo spread Beth
prepared. One of the more popular episodes,
it garnered great feedback from listeners!

Host Ashleigh


Favorite Episodes

from the Past Year

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