Paleo Magazine – August-September 2019

(Elliott) #1

short plate

T r av e l i n g v i a

Work Exchange

Work exchange programs like
WWOOF, HippoHelp, Workaway, HelpX,
Worldpackers, and a handful of others

allow individuals to connect up with
hosts all over the world to receive a
place to stay and food in exchange
for volunteering. While the original
work exchange program, WWOOF
(which stands for World Wide
Opportunities on Organic Farms) was
farm-based, there are now plenty of
opportunities that don’t involve farm
work or even physical labor. Outside
of farming, jobs can involve anything
from construction, preparing food,
office work, babysitting, laundry, and
everything in between—with hosts
asking for an average of about 20
hours/week of time.
While work exchange programs
can be an excellent way to travel on
a budget (all while receiving training
on self-sufficiency and organic and/
or permaculture gardening), it does
come with a certain element of risk.
Some folks have complained about
issues like hosts requiring more work
than they were originally expecting
(upwards of 40+ hours/week), receiving
less-than-ideal living accommodations,
and feeling uncomfortable around their
hosts. Obviously, as with any travel
to a new place, there are a few key
things would-be travelers should keep
in mind, such as checking for travel
warnings/advisories, checking for any
potential health risks in that area, and
even looking into travel insurance. And
don’t be afraid to ask as many questions
as you need to in order to feel confident
about your potential host and trip.
Some questions you should ask prior
to committing include:

+ What is the length of time
you’re looking for someone
to stay with you?
+ How do I get from the
airport to your location?
+ What are the
accommodations like?
Can you send me a photo?
+ What food/meals are provided?
+ Will I have a private bathroom or is it shared?
+ Have you had work exchange individuals stay with you before?
Can I get in touch with them?
+ What is the average daily routine like?
+ What do you expect me to do daily? Occasionally?
+ Do I need any special skills?
+ How many hours will I be working each day? Are these hours the same
every day?
as well?
+ How far are you from shops/restaurants/town?
Traveling via work exchange is certainly not for everyone, but it can be an
amazing way to fully experience new places in a way that simply isn’t possible
if you’re traveling like an average tourist. Just be sure to do your homework, ask
questions, and use a reputable work exchange platform to find an opportunity.
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