Paleo Magazine – August-September 2019

(Elliott) #1

Subscribe at: August/September 2019 19

According to regular Paleo Magazine
contributor Darryl Edwards (see his
article on p 128), we are hard-wired to
hate “exercise” but we love “movement.”
Unfortunately, this disconnect makes
many of us less than excited about
slogging away in the gym. The solution?
Forget about “exercise” and move (or
better yet, play!).
Check out Darryl’s recent TEDx talk at to better
understand how regular movement,
essential to our overall health, can be
not only fun, but something you actually
look forward to doing!


When asked recently if we thought fish
oil or krill oil was better, our response
was “why not just eat fish instead?”
While supplements certainly have their
place, we could all stand to see more
fish and seafood on our plates. Plus,
shouldn’t we be turning to whole foods
as often as possible anyway?

Outside of farming, jobs
can involve anything
from construction,
work, babysitting,
laundry, and everything
in between

The options below regularly
demonstrate low levels of things like
mercury, and are our top picks for
oily fish and seafood you should eat
more of to up your omega-3 intake (all
contain at least 500-1000 mg
of omega-3s per 3 oz cooked).

out groups like,, and the

Atlantic or
Atka Mackerel
(avoid King Mackerel)

Wild Salmon Sardines Trout Mussels


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