Fishing World – September 2019

(Sean Pound) #1

ONE of the talking points that
I see regularly discussed,
involves the technique and speed
required to effectively work a f ly or lure.
There are many factors that come into how
you fish a lure. Most lures are designed for a
specific purpose and retrieve speed so trying
to vary that will usually see the lure not
working to its best. Trying to crank a soft
plastic prawn back at warp speed doesn’t
work and working a metal slug slowly with
rod action is also usually a waste of time.


Too slow, too fast? What exactly is the correct

speed for retrieving your lure or fly?

ABOVE: Experiment with different retrieve speeds.

work a plastic or f ly deep and slow. Rule
number 1 – select the right lure but don’t be
afraid to mix things up if the standard lure
and retrieve speed isn’t working.
We get a lot of big queenfish in Hervey Bay
over summer and early autumn. We’ve caught
the odd one while throwing plastics at tuna
but to target queenfish successfully you really
need a lure that bloops and splashes on top.
They are very fast predators and will follow
and look at most lures but if that lure splashes
and breaks the surface at speed like a popper
or stickbait you’ll convert those follows into
spectacular eats. Having said that we’ve also
caught them on f ly using a medium strip.


62 | September 2019

With Greg Finney

Quite often the determining factor is the
species being targeted. You wouldn’t fish a
high speed metal lure for f lathead just as you
wouldn’t fish a soft plastic crab for tuna. All
species that sportfishers target have a range of
food that they hunt and eat and a well tuned
system of catching that food. Some are high
speed pelagic predators that feed on baitfish
and are quite susceptible to metals and plastics
retrieved at pace. That doesn’t mean you won’t
catch them on a slow retrieve with the right
lure or f ly. I’ve caught many longtail tuna by
slowly working a 5 inch ZMan plastic down
deep and even on a dead drifted f ly. If the
high speed retrieve isn’t working I’ll often
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