Mother Jones – September 01, 2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Dear Reader:

I’m going to get right to the point: I’m asking you—and everyone in the MoJo
community—to help fi nish crowdfunding our ambitious Corruption Project by
chipping in a few bucks or more. We are hiring and building a team to focus on
systemic corruption, and that’s the most important thing Mother Jones can do right
now. My team’s coverage of the Trump-Russia scandal shows why it’s damn necessary.

Whether or not there was a criminal conspiracy, we know that when it came to
Moscow’s attack on a US election, Trump put his own interests ahead of those of
the nation. He aided and abetted an assault on American democracy—by denying it
was happening and signaling to Russia he didn’t mind Moscow’s intervention. That’s
textbook corruption: sacrifi cing the public good for personal gain. This is the sort
of fundamental wrongdoing our Corruption Project will expose and explain.

We want to assemble a crew of reporters and editors who target systemic
corruption—how the rich and powerful rig the system to serve their interests and
essentially screw the rest of us. And we plan to publish our investigations in a major
series in the months before the 2020 elections—across several platforms, including a
special issue of our magazine, a dedicated online portal, and video and podcast series.
The goal is to make a big splash. 

If you want to be part of our team and this mission, please help launch our
Corruption Project with your tax-deductible gift today. You can visit
donate or use the old-fashioned method: Mail a donation in the envelope bound into
this magazine.

I don’t enjoy asking you for money. But we can only do our kickass journalism
because people like you support our work with contributions. And I can guarantee
you this: My team in DC and I will keep digging when it comes to these Trump (and
non-Trump!) scandals. We have a lot to do in the lead-up to 2020, and it would be
great if you’d help us do it.

Thanks for reading,

Corruption isn’t just another scandal.

It’s the rot beneath them all.

A letter from
David Corn,
Washington, DC,
Bureau Chief

Make your tax-deductible contribution using the envelope

or simply visit

Free download pdf