Finweek English Edition – August 15, 2019

(Michael S) #1


n employee is faced with disciplinary
action, but then resigns with immediate
effect. Should the employer continue with
disciplinary action?
The labour law seems to be silent on what the
correct action by employers would be in such cases
and has left it to the discretion of the courts to
decide, says Ivan Israelstam, CEO of Labour Law
Management Consulting.
In the past three years there have been different
decisions on the matter in the Labour Court.
In the most recent case – Naidoo and Another v
Standard Bank SA Ltd and Another – the Labour Court
was called on to determine whether their resignation
with immediate effect meant the employment
relationship was immediately terminated. The
court found that it was.
But in a 2018 case the same court found
that an employment relationship only
terminates once the notice period has been
In that case the court also held that
resignations with immediate effect are only
permitted where the employer has committed
a material breach of the employment
contract, or if the employer accepts the
resignation with immediate effect.
Johan Botes, head of Baker McKenzie’s
Employment Practice in Johannesburg,
says the effect of this recent case is that
employers cannot simply continue with
disciplinary action when the person resigns.
The court found that if the employer wanted
employees to honour the contract by serving their
notice period, it had to approach the court for a specific
“performance order” to hold the employees to the
employment contract and finish their notice period. If
the order is granted, the employer can continue with the
disciplinary action.
“In practice courts are reluctant to issue an order
for specific performance if it means holding someone
against their will,” says Botes.
Israelstam says if the employer has a good reason
for a disciplinary hearing, he would advise them to
continue with it.
“You would be protecting yourself against a potential
constructive dismissal claim and also be able to have on
the employee’s record that they were fired.”
He says employees may suspect, and sometimes it
is a genuine suspicion, that the employer has purposely

on the money management

By Amanda Visser

48 finweek 15 August 2019

Dealing with disciplinary action

Bringing disciplinary action against an employee is something most employers would hope to avoid. But when it
does come to pass, there are some important steps to follow.

Johan Botes
Head of Baker McKenzie’s
Employment Practice in

charged them and called them to a hearing in order
to provoke a resignation, and not really because the
employee has done something wrong.
Employers who want to ensure that their action is
not misconstrued, should go ahead with the hearing
so that it is clear that it was not merely a ploy to get
rid of the employee.
If the employer feels there is a “more than likely
chance” of the employee claiming constructive
dismissal by saying they were “coerced into
resigning” because of the threat of disciplinary
action, the employer may feel more comfortable
holding the hearing and inviting the employee to
attend, says Israelstam.
But, according to Israelstam, until a higher court
such as the Labour Appeal Court makes
a ruling, things remain “really messy”. A
much better option would be to institute
criminal or civil action if there has been a
loss suffered by the employer because of
the employee’s conduct.

What about criminal charges?
“If the employer suffered a material,
quantifiable loss as a result of the
premature departure of the employee, the
employer is quite entitled to go to court and
sue the employee for the amount of that
loss,” says Israelstam.
Botes adds that if there has been evidence
of fraud or theft, the employer can lay criminal
charges. It is then up to the National Prosecuting
Authority to decide whether it will prosecute or not.
He says when an employer has to incur additional
expenses by bringing in an expert on short notice to
finish a project, or suffered a penalty because a project
could not be finished on time due to the sudden
resignation, it is entitled to claim the differential
(between the employee’s pay and the additional costs).

Be proactive
Employers can be proactive by making sure their
employment process will be able to catch people
whose conduct at a previous employer will not sit well
with their business.
Botes says employers may request a signed
undertaking from new employees that they have made
a full disclosure of all the facts that may impact on the
decision to employ them or not.
Israelstam advises his clients to request a

Ivan Israelstam
CEO of Labour Law
Management Consulting

“If the employer suffered a

material, quantifiable loss

as a result of the premature

departure of the employee,

the employer is quite

entitled to go to court and

sue the employee for the

amount of that loss.”

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