Wired UK – September 2019

(Marcin) #1
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Creating custom plants

For generations, we’ve manipu-
lated crops to boost nutritional
value, or achieve disease resistance
through chemicals and irradiation.
CRISPR-Cas is a new breeding
technique part-developed at Wagen-
ingen that works within the plant
itself – like a pair of “molecular
scissors”, as Jan Schaart, a plant-
breeding researcher explains.
CRISPR-Cas lets scientists target
a section of the genome with these
molecular scissors, snipping off the
gene in question. The cell’s immune
system mends the break, hopefully
writing in a mutation as it does so,
which may result in a strengthened
or enhanced plant. “It is much faster
and more precise than traditional
breeding,” says Schaart.
Take the potato. Phytophthora,
or blight, has plagued growers for
hundreds of years, perhaps most
infamously in the Irish potato famine.
Using CRISPR-Cas, WUR scientists
can target genes that determine how
susceptible the plant is to blight,
thereby creating resistant mutants.
CRISPR-Cas is also behind
research at WUR into breeding
wheat, barley and rye types
containing only “safe” gluten. The
molecular scissors remove toxic
antigens, known as epitopes, from
certain gluten genes. The result is
a plant that, while not gluten free, is
rendered safe to eat for those with
coeliac disease or gluten intolerance.
Its versatility and simplicity
also means CRISPR-Cas has
great potential for breeding plants
equipped to resist climate change,
Schaart explains: researchers could
identify and target genes to modify,
say, for drought resistance – as long
as they determine exactly what and
where those genes are. “I always say
it is a knowledge-based technique,”
says Schaart. “You need knowledge
about the genes you want to target –
and you have to know what happens
if you knock them out.”

Pushing back on fakery

Food fraud, like the horsemeat-in-
beef scandal of 2013, costs up to
$40 billion (£32 billion) a year –
but WUR uses a food product’s
biological fingerprint to determine
its origin and authenticity.
The criteria for analysis includes
ubiquity, which means items
consumed by a wide population,
such as olive oil or bananas; a type
of fraud being widespread, such as
dilution of olive oil, substitution of
meat, or counterfeiting (eg, battery

eggs posing as free-range); and
having the technology to separate
adulterated from unadulterated.
With coffee, WUR researchers
have mapped out fingerprints to
distinguish organic from non-or-
ganic. They use proton-transfer-
reaction quadrupole ion time of
flight (PTR-QiTOF) technology, a
form of mass spectrometry that
measures the volatiles (compounds
quick to turn to gas or vapour) by
mass. The PTR-QiTOF equipment
thus “smells” the coffee, detecting
minute quality differences that form
two little clouds of data: organic on
one side, non-organic on the other.
WUR scientists have been devel-
oping a handheld scanner which
uses infrared sensors to compare a
product such as ground beef with a
cloud database. A phone app would
within seconds deliver a profile –
revealing what’s really hiding in
that tangle of meat, and whether
its packaging is telling the truth.

Food focus _

Percentage of global
greenhouse emissions
from agriculture: 11%
Estimated global
population by the year
2050: 10 billion

The challenge: Scaling
down emissions in
the livestock sector
while increasing food
yield through precision
agriculture (robotics,
LEDs) and circular
systems (storing carbon
in soil, rearing insects
on waste). Developing
alternatives to
conventional meat that
can be scaled up

Food focus _

Estimated reduction
of principal fish species
as a result of climate
change: 40%
Estimated increase in
the value of the global
fish oil market from 2018
to 2026: £1.69 billion

The challenge:
algae cultivation for
sustainable omega-3
fatty acid products


09-19-FTfoodvalley.indd 146 10/07/2019 11:29

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