
(Nandana) #1


december 2018 / january 2019

2 Take a deep inhalation, and on a sharp
exhalation, turn to the right. Hook your left upper
arm outside of your right outer thigh, and bend
your elbow to bring your right hand up. Keep
holding your right thigh with your right hand.

3 Exhale, and extend your left arm and shoulder forward. Your left abdomen should turn from
left to right as if the lower-left corner of your abdomen were moving to the outside of your
right thigh. Just as in Parivrtta Trikonasana, your torso should follow your arm like a river. Once
you’ve turned your trunk as far as you’re comfortable, make your left upper arm heavy by
sharply pulling your left elbow down, and close the gap between the back of your left armpit
and your right thigh. Continue extending your left arm, keeping it on your outer right thigh—
continue to internally rotate your arm so that your palm faces up.

  1. PARSVOTTANASANA Intense Side Stretch

BENEFITS Stretches the sides of your trunk and hamstrings; teaches you how to
extend your legs and stabilize your hips while aligning your head and tailbone
INSTRUCTION Stand in Mountain Pose. Inhale, and spread your legs about
3 feet wide. Turn your left foot inward about 60 degrees and your right
foot outward 90 degrees. Continue rotating your entire left leg inward until
your left hip and torso face forward. Straighten your legs. Inhale, and lift up
through the sides of your torso. Exhale, and extend your torso forward until
it is parallel to the floor. Place your fingertips to the sides of your right foot.
Keep your arms straight and your torso and pelvis parallel to the floor. Inhale,
and raise your head. Stay for 20–30 seconds, breathing normally. Inhale, and
lift your trunk. Repeat on the other side.

  1. PARIGHASANA Gate Pose

BENEFITS Stretches your abdominals and the sides of your torso
INSTRUCTION Kneel on the floor with your ankles and shins
together. Without disturbing your hips, extend your right leg
straight out to the side, in line with your right hip and your left
knee. Keep your right leg straight and your kneecap lifted. Extend
your left arm up alongside your left ear, and extend your right arm
out to the side. With an exhalation, bend your torso to the right.
Bring the back of your right hand to your right shin, and extend the
left side of your body. With an inhalation, rotate the left side of your
torso to the ceiling. With an exhalation, slide your right hand closer
to your right ankle or toes. Stay here for 20–30 seconds. Inhale,
and swing your left arm up, lifting your torso back to vertical.
Repeat on the other side.
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