
(Nandana) #1


october / november 2018

VARIATION Four-limbed Staff Pose
At the end of your fifth breath cycle, cartwheel
both hands to the floor, and float your right leg
off the mat to hip height. Lift your right heel
to engage your glutes. Inhale, and shift your
weight forward to your fingertips. Exhale, bend
your elbows, and lower your chest and chin to
the ground. Inhale, and press back up. Repeat
for 3 breath cycles. Repeat poses 3–5 on the
other side.

Exhale, and draw your hands to Anjali Mudra
(Salutation Seal) at your heart center. Bring
your left knee to your chest. Inhale, rise up to
standing, and balance. For additional support,
hold the underside of your left leg. Stay here
for 3 breaths.

VARIATION Downward-Facing Dog Pose
From Tabletop, walk your hands forward one
hand-length. Tuck your toes, and lift your
hips to Down Dog. Pedal your heels, shake
your head, and wag your tailbone. Adjust the
distance between your hands and feet to get
comfortable. Inhale, and float your right heel
skyward. Exhale, drawing your knee to your
nose. Press your palms into the floor while
moving your shoulder blades outward. Draw
your navel up and in. Inhale, and float your
right leg skyward. Exhale, draw your knee to
your nose, and step your right foot between
your palms.

Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose
Root down through your right foot. Bring your
left peace fingers and thumb to your left big
toe, and take a yogi toe lock. Kicking through
your left heel, extend your left leg straight at
hip height (or if needed, keep a bend in your
left knee). Pull your right quad up to encourage
a lifting away from the earth. Press your
abdominals back while keeping your chest broad
and spine long. Stay here for 3 breaths.

Crawl your hands in front of your right foot,
shifting your weight into it. Guide the crown
of your head forward as your left foot floats
off the mat. Engage your left glutes by lifting
your back heel higher. Keep your hips in one
line. Reach your arms behind your back like
wings and turn your palms to face the earth.
Roll your shoulders back to open your heart
space. Float your knuckles upward another
inch to encourage that same broadness in your
collarbones. A soft bend in your standing (right)
knee can help with balance or tight hamstrings.
Eventually work on straightening this leg by

From Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose, wrap
both hands around the sole of your left foot.
Continue to kick your left heel forward while
pulling your abdominals back. Lift your sternum
up to keep your spine long. Slowly, start to
bend your standing knee and send your hips
backward as you would in Utkatasana (Chair
Pose). Keep your left leg active. As your hips
lower toward the earth, maintain the length
in your spine. With control, lower your seat to
the floor.

MODIFICATION If you’re working toward pistol squats,
try placing your left heel on the floor, 12–18 inches
ahead of your right foot. Fold at your hips, bend your
right knee, and place a hand on the floor beside your
feet. Keep your left leg as straight as you can, feeling
the stretch in your hamstring. Put as little weight as
possible in your left heel so that you can slide it for-
ward as your hips lower to the earth.

Eventually,work on straightening this leg by
engagingyour quads and pulling up and out of
your standing(right) hip.
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